From Reputation to Education — DREP Connecting Bright Minds in Higher Education

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2018

You might still now know what it means, but it’s very unlikely that you have survived 2018 without hearing it being mentioned … just way too many times.

That’s right, the magic word — “Blockchain”.

Among youngsters, whether they’re genuinely interested or not, the supernova blockchain industry has inevitably led to 2 changes: A. new route of employment; and therefore B, new need of education.

According to a recent study of 675 U.S. students by the U.S. crypto exchange Coinbase, 42 percent of the world’s top 50 universities have at least one class on cryptocurrencies or blockchain.

In addition, about a quarter of students ‘want to take blockchain classes near future’ and 18 percent of students own their crypto assets.

Regardless of industry, one of the most important talent pools is usually the university students’ association. With the emerging blockchain era, many students are growing an interest to learn how distributed ledger technology like blockchain could handle existing social, economic, political issues all over the world.

What’s more, the blockchain wave has clearly extended its impact from employment to education, and vice versa. Like Benedikt Bünz, a doctoral student at Stanford focusing on cryptocurrencies says: “These days, if you’re an expert in cryptocurrencies and cryptography you’ll have a difficult time not finding a job.”

In line with this trend, companies in blockchain space have also been involved in the support and cooperation with university students. DREP Foundation as a trailblazer has already started to work with Singapore’s NTU’s student organizations to support NTU young blockchainers, as well as collaborating with the blockchain associations of Sungkyunkwan University and Kyunghee University among the Korea’s Top 10 universities.

According to their recent posts, this practice is already showing academic results, such as proposals for blockchain governance or research of DApp ecosystem. These are more than mere academic research — their creative ideas and passions of DLT system have already been reflected through a variety of hackathons and many other ways.

As a student of associations says: “Some of former members are currently working at big blockchain related companies in Korea. In my opinion, many existing projects may see the blockchain as a ‘money machine’ not as a ‘innovative machine’. This is precisely why more students ‘young ideas and talents’ are needed for those companies to turn their vision into reality.”

DREP as a promising blockchain startup has recognized the potential from youngsters in their aim to have a comprehensive ecosystem for users from various kinds of DApps in the future. We envision the following essential elements to achieve this vision:

  • Joint research with user-end researchers
  • Joint development for continuous trial and error development
  • Active interactions with researchers and users

Xiaolong, co-founder of DREP, also mentioned in many occasions that, “A personal goal of mine is to eventually establish an incubator for students to access the requisite resources for developing their projects. I have had the privilege of speaking to university students on several occasions and I thoroughly enjoyed the conversations I have had there. In the end, I would like to think of myself as a conduit for the technology to reach the masses by aiding the development of relevant products using blockchain technology.”

Let’s look forward to the many more future collaborations between companies like DREP and students. Meanwhile, for eager blockchain learners, DREP has also been working closely with NetEase open course platform to launch a series of educational courses on blockchain and cryptography. Stay tuned for more information!


Sungkyunkwan University’s Blockchain Association (SKKone) is dedicated to research and develop the distributed systems for refining the trustless technology, blockchain governance and tokenomics. There are three teams, respectively in charge of ‘Public Blockchain’, ‘Private Blockchain’, and ‘Smart Contract‘ research. SKKone has been invited as a speaker of Blockchain Conferences such as IEEE Blockchain Summit Korea, BlockFesta and also been recognized for their idea in blockchain projects at Hdac Hackathon, Block Party etc.


BLiKH is the blockchain association from one of the Korean top universities, Kyunghee University. The aim is to study more about the DLT industry not only in technical side, but also in social and philosophic side, so as to make an impact for building up the good-willed ecosystem. BLiKH has already conducted blockchain classes such as ALLDapp Solidity Coding Class and many others for young blockchainers.

ABOUT DREP Foundation

DREP Foundation is devoted to building a performance-oriented technology infrastructure supporting high transaction capacity for an ecosystem generating valuable reputation data. Focusing on two industry pain points: lack of user adoption and low transaction throughput, DREP Foundation aims to provide highly scalable, modular blockchain architecture for deployment of a reputation protocol that any types of platforms can use.

DREP envisions a global plan to empower a wide array of platforms to have tokenized reputation ecosystem deployed on top of DREP Chain, which is secure, scalable and reputation data supportive.



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.