Regular Community AMA with Xiaolong Xu Successfully Wrapped Up

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2019

Dear DREP Community,

Our regular community AMA with DREP’s co-founder Xiaolong Xu successfully wrapped up on 9th, August. We extend our greatest gratitute to the community members who participated for the inspirations they sparked.

At first, Xiaolong briefed DREP’ s recent achievements in business cooperation, market promotion and technological progress, along with future plans of DREP in marketing and technology development. During the Q&A session, Xiaolong explained some activities held by DREP, shared more news of DREP and insights on the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry.

Below are the highlights of the AMA.

Enjoy the read!

Q: I saw DREP’s Chinese Valentine’s Day activity in your twitter, I retweet it. How can I claim the “reputation values”? And how could I convert it to gifts in the future?


You just need to send a screenshot of the tweet to admin, Kari, and attached with your twitter ID. We will record your accumulated reputation values. Just as the reputation values you accumulated previously in our DREP Reputataion Mining campaign, those points will be rather significant and precious in our upcoming DREP wallet. Just Stay tuned.

Q: It’s very exciting that DREP starts exploring MENA region, could you tell us your specific cooperation areas?


In fact, we already have one partner in MENA region, which is Comebey. It is a leading platform focused on travel, entertainment and group buying in Middle East. And the recent cooperation with BlockGemini is our further explorations in MENA region. Through this cooperation, DREP provides underlying technical support for BlockGemini, and help it to shape innovative standards for the Middle Eastern market, empowering enterpirses in real estate, finance, supply chains, etc.

Q: Hi Xiaolong, when and where can I see DREP code?


Opening source of DREP Testnet is already done in January 2019. You could refer to Github @drep-project. Here is the link

Q: What do you thnink about Binance’s KYC leak fud? its been a hot issue these days.


Well, since the truth of this affair is not clear for now, I can’t make a decisive judgment. But one thing should be noted, some infomation exposed in Guardian M’s telegram group seems to be the same old Binance KYC hack dated back in 2018/8/24. More investigation will be done to find out the truth. Just waiting for the result.

Q: Putting tech aside, the community has a major concern on how you are dealing and managing things. In the last AMA that you were here, you mentioned that the business model of DREP is both b2b and b2c. The later should be addressed as the possibility of users being able to trade on exchanges. Now exchanges we are listed are only Gate, BitMax, Bianance DEX. Can you please give us an answer on how you gonna move forward listing more top tier exchanges? Thanks!


Thanks for your long term support of us, we have been in continious communication with Tier 1 exchange partners since last year, they have some concerns in the last few months because of the IEO. Now we’ll try our best to remove all of their concerns and get listed on them as early as possible.

Q: Since I myself worked for more than 10 years in academia and have a PhD from a high profile university in Europe, I do not understand the enthusiasm to cooperate with universities. University wont add any value to your project neither new users.


I agree with you partly, but it is easy and purest for college students to accept new technology, rather than running for money. Besides, some of our acadmic partners like Nanyang Technological Univerisity of Singapore and University of Sydney, are really interested in Blockchain tech applications and developer training programs.

Q: Are most of your partners from Asia?


So far, yes, most are from East Asian countries, especially China, South Korea, Middle East, Southeast Asia. There are also some representative enterprises like Yeeyi and Harkhark from Australia. Besides, we have more strategic partners to be announced very soon.

Thank you all for the active participation and the questions and suggestions you raised. We really appreciate your consistent support and attention all the way.

Stay tuned for more good news to come!

About DREP Foundation

DREP is committed to building “connectors” and “toolkits” based on blockchain technology, providing solutions that combine ease of use, flexibility and frictionless integration. Based on DREP Chain, DREP ID and DREP SDK, DApp R&D teams are able to release multi-public-chain asset versions, built-in wallets and asset trading platforms with one-click.



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.