Why DREP Is Important?

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
5 min readFeb 19, 2020

Public chain is regarded as a network of value circulation. In the early stage, only tokens were circulated on this network, ex, Bitcoin. At that time, Bitcoin existed as digital gold to store the value. With the development of applications and ecology on the public chain, this network has begun to “support” more things. In other words, the tokens on this network contains more meanings including information, digital assets, equity, etc. For example, DREP and Landream created digital identity of the real estate industry participants, and the tokens contains more connotations such as identity information and corresponding rights.

DREP is committed towards building Connectors and Toolkits based on Blockchain technology, providing solutions that promotes the ease of use, flexibility and frictionless integration. Now DREP public chain and DREP ecology are already known by the public. Meanwhile, as a token in DREP ecology, DREP not only has rich use value, but also has circulation value. This article will elaborate why DREP is important.

1. The Role of DREP in DREP Ecosystem

As we all know, token plays a vital role in the ecosystem. Only when the role of token established in the project ecosystem, can the entire project ecosystem proceed smoothly.

The DREP Foundation was incorporated in Singapore overseas in February 2018. In its latest edition of the white paper, it not only updated the DREP wallet, DREP Bridge, DREP gamification tools, but also perfected the DREP token in the DREP ecosystem. scenes to be used.

The role of DREP in DREP ecosystem includes the following three aspects:

(1) Network layer

In DREP network, all gas and transaction fee are served by DREP tokens, which means DREP holders have the right to use and vote on DREP network.

(2) Tools and applications

In DREP current ecological products such as DREP SDK, DREP Client, DREP tokens are mainly used in payment and equity certificates. DREP holders can use all the applications in terms of tools and products; furthermore, they are able to enjoy multiple asset appreciation rights in addition to Staking.

(3) Cooperation and Ecology

In DREP DApp or the products jointly developed by DREP and its cooperative enterprises, DREP tokens are mainly used as pledged assets. By locking liquidity (but not consuming quantities), it is able to obtain digital assets, equity credits or exclusive identities in the products.

It can be seen that DREP ecosystem planning has started to form a comprehensive value system.

2. DREP Economic Model

For an investor, how to evaluate a token’s appreciation space and whether it is worth holding for a long time is very important. On the one hand, the role of a token in the ecosystem (the use value mentioned above) is significant, it means the real value behind the token; On the other hand, the economic model of the token (circulation value) is also very important. It affects the long-term price trend of the token and is closely related to investment.

According to DREP white paper, DREP is a typical deflationary economic model. The total circulation of DREP is 10 billion tokens, and the current circulation in the market is 2.098 billion tokens.

The total supply of DREP tokens is fixed, while its consumption in DREP ecology is constantly ongoing. Therefore, the number of DREP tokens will be gradually reduced. At the same time, to better manage the market, DREP team gradually launches buyback & lock programs, which will effectively reduce the circulation in secondary market. It can further promote the deflation of DREP tokens.

With the expansion of DREP ecology, the demand of DREP tokens will increase. DREP token is an incentive in DREP mainnet and its circulation supply will decrease because of network transaction and asset staking in applications. While the demand exceeds supply, the price of DREP token can be inferred accordingly. That’s why people are more willing to hold a token under a deflationary economic model.

3. DREP Value-Driven Factors

Generally speaking, there is always value behind the price, so what are value-driven factors of DREP tokens? A project’s value-driven factors are mainly from the financial and non-financial aspects. In the financial aspect, the drivers include profitability, growth, and operation; In the non-financial aspect, the drivers include clients and products.

From the perspective of financial value, DREP’s main investment institutions include Huobi Ecological Fund, Kucoin Fund, Qtum Foundation, Block VC, 360 Innovation Fund, Oneboat Capital, etc.

Meanwhile, DREP is the second Startup project announced by Gate.io. The demand quantity of DREP exceeds half of the issued amount in Gate.io.

Currently, DREP has been listed in almost 10 crypto asset exchanges including Binance, Gate.io, Bithumb Global, Binance DEX, and BitMax.

These prove that DREP is a token with great potential and has the pre-conditions of stable appreciation space.

From the perspective of non-financial value, DREP has officially released cooperation with 60+ enterprises in financial, gaming, real estate and other industries from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Australia and other regions. There are some top enterprises such as gaming unicorn Bijiaqi, Australian leading real estate group Landream; Also, in 2020, DREP will continue to launch:

· DREP Mainnet 1.0 launch

· DREP iOS、Android、WIN、MAC release

· DREP ID v2.0 development

· DREP smart pipeline integration

· DREP DID 2.0 & SDK launch

· DREP reputation system online

· DREP zero-knowledge proof integration

The above-mentioned measures show that DREP project has long-term operation capability and stable appreciation space. As the token in DREP mainnet, DREP token is of great importance because of its rich use and circulation value.

About DREP Foundation

DREP is committed to building “connectors” and “toolkits” based on blockchain technology, providing solutions that combine ease of use, flexibility and frictionless integration. Based on DREP Chain, DREP ID and DREP SDK, DApp R&D teams are able to release multi-public-chain asset versions, built-in wallets and asset trading platforms with one-click.

Reach us on social channels

Website — www.drep.org

Telegram — https://t.me/drep_foundation

Twitter — https://twitter.com/FoundationDrep

Reddit — www.reddit.com/user/DREP-FOUNDATION/

Medium — medium.com/@DREP_Foundation

Linkedln — www.linkedin.com/company/drep-foundation/



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.