Why Dress for Success?

Dress for Success Michiana
Dress For Success Michiana
3 min readFeb 29, 2020

My name is Sherry Klein and I am the founder of Dress for Success Michiana. I am frequently asked what lead me to Dress for Success. Honestly, I followed my heart.

My journey started with a setback.

In April of 2017, my position of over 16 years with the federally funded employment and training system (WorkOne in Indiana) was eliminated due to a reduction in federal funding. It was devastating to be laid off. I was locked out of my computer and escorted out of the building. But I realized, after the shock wore off, I was not unique. Thousands of people are laid off every year, and being locked out of my computer was no different than any of them showing up in the morning to a locked gate, or being told at the end of the day not to come back tomorrow. I always thought I had empathy and compassion for laid-off workers, but until you live it, there’s no real understanding of it.

Job searching comes with its own unique challenges.

When looking for a job, you have to learn how to reinvent yourself. I could see how my skill set was relevant to the nonprofit sector, but effectively selling yourself in a job interview (when you haven’t interviewed in 16+ years) was….hard. I had to reinvent myself, bring a fresh perspective to my skill set, and maintain emotional resilience in the face of no responses, the “we’ll be in touch” responses, and the “after careful consideration, we have gone with another candidate..” responses. Job searching can be soul-crushing without the right perspective.

My setback was set up for my comeback.

In August of 2017, I enrolled in Notre Dame’s Executive Certification in Nonprofit Fund Development program through the Mendoza College of Business to update my skills. It turned out to be a transformational experience as Notre Dame helped me to find my self-confidence again. Through a supplemental reading assignment on social return on investment, I learned about Dress for Success. I was powerfully drawn to the mission, like a moth to a flame. As Joi Gordon, Dress for Success’ CEO, explains her initial introduction to the organization, I too wanted to donate several suits and accessories and help in any way that I could. I went to the Dress for Success website but to my surprise, there was no affiliate within my community. I wanted to make a local donation to help women in my community who were job searching, interviewing, and trying to move forward.

I clicked the “Start an Affiliate” link, and started Dress for Success Michiana.

Sometimes you can’t explain why you make a decision, other than it just feels right. This opportunity has re-kindled my desire for helping women pursue their passions, establish careers they love, and be successful in supporting themselves and their families. Dress for Success is so much more than providing women clothes to wear on an interview. Let me explain:

  • Self-Confidence

When a woman looks great, she feels great, and her self-confidence shines through her presence. Dress for Success helps women bring out their best professional selves. Our organization helps women successfully enter the workforce through an understanding of workplace-based rules that are unwritten but socially defined and essential to know in this day and age.

  • Job Retention

Dress for Success focuses on job retention strategies to help women keep their job, and provides assistance and networking opportunities to help women advance in their careers or find their next career.

I ended up where I’m supposed to be.

Dress for Success is a unique opportunity. Our nonprofit makes a difference in the community for women rising above their circumstances to achieve their vision of success and independence. I know the emotional strain job searching can have, and Dress for Success Michiana is a source of support, resources, and friendship for all women engaged in the workforce (job search, retention, career advancement, etc).

To donate, please visit givegrove.com/dressforsuccessmichiana.

