Four tips to lead an adventurous life

TStreet Media
Drifter Magazine
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2017

Everyone wants an adventure, whether it is traveling the world or base-jumping off the Grand Canyon. But what constitutes an adventure? And how can you be certain your adventure is going to be enjoyable? Behavioural scientist and established author, John Levy, has written a new book that he says is his definition of an adventure. So if you want to enjoy your adventures, try following these tips to make it work.

Go somewhere new with the right people

Traveling with a group can be tricky. There is always one person who could ruin the whole experience for everyone. By working out which person that would be, you can avoid those tricky situations that could endanger the enjoyment of the whole party. Just as there is always one person who can make any bad time into an enjoyable party, so there is the one that can turn an amazing adventure into a disaster. By putting the right elements in place, the trip can be a definite success.

And by going somewhere new, and embracing novelty, you can make the adventure something special. The brain is designed to respond well to novelty, so a new location will cause you to want to explore and experience more. Novelty improves the chances of recording memories with more clarity and detail, which is why vacations to places for the first time are the more unforgettable ones. Repetitiveness is the death of any adventure.

Take risks outside your comfort zone

Not everyone can manage a trip to another country or continent, and it is not really necessary to do so to have an adventure. Just being willing to try something new, and step out of your comfort zone, is an adventure in itself. And even when done on a small scale, it can lead to massive personal growth.

The world is full of adventures, and you do not need to be rich to try them. The scope of your life is directly proportional to how uncomfortable you are willing to get in the adventure. People are most satisfied when attempting something they would not normally try, and achieving it. Test your limits of what you are willing to try.

Challenge yourself and set constraints

Set goals for the group you are traveling with, placing limitations on what each of you is willing to do. One challenge is traveling to a different country with no money or contacts and trying to convince people to put him up. It does not always work, he says, and he has spent many nights sleeping on the streets. But you do not have to go to those extreme lengths.

Knowing when to call it a day

Pushing yourself, while setting limits, is where the adventure lies. But there is often a point in any adventure when you need to just stop and go home. And the trick is knowing when that point is so that your adventure does not deteriorate from being awesome. It is a lot like going out with friends. At two in the morning, the night either gets more awesome or ends with a pizza place discussing life and being single — or married — with your friends.

h/t: Elite Daily



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Drifter Magazine

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