How to travel the world, work, and party as a digital nomad

TStreet Media
Drifter Magazine
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2018

Nowadays, fewer people entering the workforce wish to be restrained within a 9–5 working shift. With the advent of technology, working remotely out of office has become simple. With the rise in the number of people aiming at becoming digital nomads, Unsettled, a tourism startup, decided to give a helping hand by creating co-working retreats around the world.

Making the most of continuous evolutions

Imagine waking up in a private villa in Bali, having breakfast with fresh local fruits and showering outdoor before starting to work as a digital nomad. This is now possible for those joining the program proposed by Unsettled. Founded in 2016, the startup proposed 30-day co-working retreats in various countries around the world. Freelancers, entrepreneurs and even those transitioning between careers can adhere to the program. The goal of the startup is to make the dream of working flexibly in a paradisiacal environment, giving participants the opportunity to free themselves from boring routine while offering them the opportunity to discover fresh perspectives and to knit genuine professional relationships simultaneously.

One of the main drivers of Unsettled is the very fact that life is becoming more and more uncertain. As the world is becoming more fluid, institutions are being morphed into networks, both connected and disconnected instantaneously. In this state of continuous change, shift, and evolution, many are those who are looking to embrace it as a positive impulse and make the most of it. Hence, working remotely while travelling to enjoy and explore the outside world to feel more alive is tempting. More professionals are open to becoming receptive to this innovative nature of personal and professional growth.

A meeting place for people from all walks of life

The Unsettled community, subsequently, is a platform where people with different skills, interests, and life experiences can blend together to learn from each other and improve their own lives. At its core, it is a platform for shared experiences rooted in people, place, and purpose. These retreats set up by Unsettled attract many creative people such as artists, designers, developers, filmmakers, and writers, entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley to Santiago, and people of all walks of life having the common goal of finding the perfect mix of work, life, and travel.

Co-working travel experiences are unique

Michael Youngblood, an entrepreneur who is also the co-founder of Unsettled alongside photographer Jonathan Kalan, points out that co-working travel experiences offer so much more than traditional co-working spaces. Even if such a co-working retreat may seem like a vacation designed by Millennials for Millennials, such is not the case. Every participant has to participate in the literal sense of the word: it is crucial for everyone to collaborate, to create, to connect, and to contribute.

Since last October, Unsettled has organized four trips to locations such as Buenos Aires, Barcelona, and Medellín. The cost depends on the destination and length of the trip. This price includes a private room, a shared workspace, internet connection, workshops, and day trips.

The founders have seen to it that the retreat is meticulously structured so that participants remain productive. Weekdays are not so different from working days and having proper access to the Internet and a desk is a key criterion. In the evening, participants hold workshops.

h/t: Business Insider
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