What is your freedom and equality worth?

In the age of ethical design driven by the digital, should we be designing for freedom, or equality?

Abb-d Choudhury
Driftime® Media
3 min readOct 20, 2021


In the age of ethical design driven by the digital, should we be designing for freedom, or equality?

Design as a tool connects us, communicates on a personal level, cuts-to-the-chase and continually shares stories. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the digital realm we spend much of our lives in. There’s a question of principle and intention in our practice — are we designing for the freedom we are entitled to, or the equality we are fighting for?

Freedom is characterised by choice and the ability to have autonomy and agency in our behaviour and actions, whilst equality equates our identity with the support we are afforded. We are navigating a delicate zero sum game of both qualities, but what is the value of one over the other?

There is a historically left wing fight for marginalised communities to excel in their chosen field. When translating this to design, we find ourselves aligned with empowerment, inclusion, and respect — three insights championed by ethical designers through humane design principles that enable the full range of human diversity. Freedom is associated with action, growth, and change, an alternative approach that requires resilience and fortitude. What would “absolute freedom” look like digitally? It brings up questions of regulation and control, of entitlement and licence. We look to ethical design to inform our digital wellbeing and develop healthy technological habits, learning a lot ourselves as a result.

How can we implement these ideas into our digital day-to-day? Being agile, balanced, and receptive makes space for a healthy negotiation between freedom and equality through the lens of design. In reflecting on our industry as a space for progression and development, we are stepping back to ask ourselves: what can we do to make this better? And what resources can we draw on to make that process easier?

“Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.”

Robert L. Peters

of Relevance…

✏️🌍 Humane by design, ethical by nature. Digital technology has become our currency. Whilst great design can change lives, it’s our responsibility to use our expertise in digital design to support our community, and to fulfil our collective potential, both locally and globally.

🧑‍💻🏆 It’s time to set ethical standards for the daily digital design that impacts our physical day-to-day. Good design is where freedom meets choice, and equality meets inclusion. Accessibility has always been at the forefront of our design, and in creating a space that pulls together transparency and intention, we are increasingly meeting the needs of our users.

💷💀 Purpose-driven design is not profitable. Becoming an ethical designer requires tangible action — it’s a case of listening, learning, and never compromising on values. Co-founder Abb-d takes to the page to give some insight into the steps we can take to optimise sustainable output as an ethical business.



Abb-d Choudhury
Driftime® Media

Founder of Driftime® — designer, writer, traveller, culture & music enthusiast.