“Pro-Life” isn’t what you think it is

If you support Trump because of your pro-life convictions, this is for you

Tauna Pierce
Driftwood Chronicle
2 min readNov 8, 2016


Image via Aman Ravi

Another quick thought on Election Eve… if you are voting Trump simply because he says he’s “pro-life”, please take into consideration a few things -

1. Abortions WILL happen. Forever. Whether they are legal and safe or not. It is NOT “pro-life” to allow women to die while having illegal back-alley do-it-yourself style abortions.

2. If you say you are “pro-life” but are against Planned Parenthood, you, in fact, are supporting MORE abortions than what would occur with PP kept in tact and properly funded. It’s true. With access to education and health care, LESS abortions actually occur. One of the many things PP does is help provide birth control to people who otherwise wouldn’t have access.

3. If you still insist that you are a “pro-life” voter, you should also be aware that keeping our country engaged in wars in other countries where we are killing innocent people for their oil and other resources is NOT pro-life. Taking healthcare away from people is NOT pro-life. Refusing to expand Medicare is NOT pro-life. Keeping corporations in full control of our Country, thus keeping people in poverty is NOT pro-life. Turning your back on refugees struggling to escape the horrors of war is NOT pro-life.

You want to vote your conscience concerning your pro-life convictions, vote for an end to cancer-causing chemicals in our food, in our water, in our air. Vote for a clean and healthy environment. Vote for healthcare and education. Vote for peace and prosperity and equality. Vote AGAINST hate, bigotry and divisiveness.

These things, in fact, are PRO fucking life.

#FinalElectionThoughts #NeverTrump #ProLifeIsntWhatYouThinkItIs



Tauna Pierce
Driftwood Chronicle

Writer, artist, naturalist, free thinker. I believe we all have an obligation to nurture our living earth in all the ways we can. Tryin’ my best to do my part.