Trump, That Bitch…

This started as a FB post, but what the hell, now it’s an OpEd piece

Tauna Pierce
Driftwood Chronicle
5 min readNov 6, 2016


So here’s a funny thing I just saw on my way down a quaint little Georgia country road. (And no, don’t worry, I have not lost my mind and most assuredly am not suddenly a Trump fan — and I wouldn’t stoop so low as to call Hillary a bitch, even though she ain’t my flavor either). But lemme tell ya, it took all I could do to NOT run up and add a great big comma after the word ‘Trump’!

But before I start my soap box rant on this one, let me first say that although it is no secret that I think Trump is a complete failure as a human being, I do, however, fully support everyone’s right to express themselves (even when I disagree with them and so long as it harms none) and this is certainly the best Anti-Hillary sign I’ve seen thus far — even if it’s just old fashioned name calling. At least they spelled all the words right.

I find this hilarious (and ridiculous and ironic) for so many reasons… especially if y’all could see the red neck fortress it’s in front of. Out of respect for their privacy, and because the resident red necks were yelling at me to get out of their “effin ditch”, I didn’t take a picture of their whole homestead.

But imagine, if you will, the dilapidated single-wide trailer, enough broke-down pickup trucks to have a Flintstone parade, random rubbish piles, rusted swing sets and I’m assuming a couple of hounds chained to trees in the back yard… and it just makes me wonder what these morons think that guy would actually do for them… more food stamps, cheaper lottery tickets, lower taxes on their Natural Lights? I really don’t know.

What I do know is that Trump has made his billions by scamming people with more intellect, more class and probably more teeth than this whole stereotypical white trash clan has ever had. (I know, that’s harsh, but how else do you call it? And is it terrible for me to call names when these people obviously are in support of name calling?)

Anyway, what makes them think he’s gonna be the champion for the poor working man in the middle of Nowhere, Georgia? And this isn’t a rhetorical question… I’d truly like to understand the answer.

It really does completely astound me that he’s won the allegiance of so many people who are struggling to rise out of the clutches of poverty, when the fact of the matter is that the reason hard working folks are so beaten down is exactly because of men like Trump.

These corporate soulless greed-machines send jobs overseas to avoid paying folks like these proper wages (and convince them that it’s a Mexican’s fault), they stash profits overseas to avoid their fair share of taxes (that the working man has to make up for out of his own paycheck), they pay politicians to pass laws that keep us trapped in “right to work” states and convince people they should feel “lucky” to have a job even though in these states (Georgia being one of them) the wages are lower than workers in other states by about 12%, these states spend less on education than other states (32% less), workplace deaths are higher (by 49%), employers pay considerably less toward company healthcare plans than in more progressive “free-bargaining” states (only 47% of these states’ employers offer healthcare at all) AND these states prohibit union security agreements for the rights and protection of their employees… but a corporate “business man” like Trump has their back???

I cannot wrap my brain around this at all. The only explanation I can come up with is that these people are just not making it a priority to educate themselves on the facts of the matter. The only other thing I can figure is that maybe they just want an excuse to hate someone else — whether it’s Hillary or Mexicans or Muslims, I don’t really know, but they sure seem excited about hating somebody.

Or maybe it’s just super fun to spray-paint a piece of plywood with the great big red word BITCH and nail it to the light pole in the front yard. In any regard, it’s hilarious… the sad, ironic, unbelievable kind of hilarious.

I was also told today, by a person who proudly boasted that they early-voted for Trump, that he (Trump) was going to “teach people to earn more money their own selves” and that Hillary was a rapist. I am not kidding. When I told this person that she was mistaken, that Trump is the one who has sexual assault charges pending, she argued, vehemently, that Hillary was a rapist.

I literally just shook my head and went on down the road… the road that had “Trump That Bitch” nailed on a light pole in front of a sad little redneck shack.

I’m still thinking I might go on a covert “operation flashlight” mission with a can of red paint and take them the comma they’re missing… because “Trump, that bitch,” has too many people propagandized into believing he’s coming, probably waving a rebel flag, to wash away the brown people who are stealing jobs and keeping everyone from having a pile of gold bullion in their sheds out back.

But who am I to say anything? I’m just a well-read, well-traveled, opinionated Alabama river-rat libtard progressive with a funny name and a hippy soul who believes socialism ain’t a bad word and that the devil really is just a conglomerate of corporations intent on watching us burn to death in our climate-changed right to work states while we ignore the refugees and fight the Muslims and Mexicans who are coming for our welfare checks. But we might could get ’em if we got a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other, especially if we’re taking our prescriptions from the pharmaceutical companies and washing down our GMOs with our fluorinated lead-laced water under the pretty chem-trails overhead. We might just could get ’em.

Or maybe, Trump, that bitch, might just get it all worked out for us.



Tauna Pierce
Driftwood Chronicle

Writer, artist, naturalist, free thinker. I believe we all have an obligation to nurture our living earth in all the ways we can. Tryin’ my best to do my part.