5 Reasons to Not Get Water Cans; You Don’t Want to Miss the Fourth One!

Racheal Jane Sunny
Published in
5 min readJul 6, 2021

Trigger warning: If you are someone who still orders water cans from the neighbourhood stores, you might find the content in this article, offensive, inappropriate and probably unbelievable. It is okay to feel that way. You can switch to a better drinking water option any day.

5 reasons to not get water cans

In cities like Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Delhi, where there are large migrant populations, people hesitate to invest in permanent assets. If you live in any of these cities, you would have realised that people prefer to rent homes and not buy them. They prefer to rent furniture and other home appliances as well.

Similarly, when it comes to drinking water, the most important element in everyday life, they get 20-litre plastic water cans from the neighbourhood stores. Are you someone who uses water cans too? If so, you will find this article definitely worth your time. We promise.

In this blog, we give you five reasons to not use water cans. Here are the five reasons why you should not get water cans or why you should stop using them:

You cannot rely on water cans when you need them the most

You do not know who handles the water cans

You don’t have information about where the water is filled from

You are clueless about what is in and on the water can

You are contributing to environmental pollution

Are you ready to switch to the smartest drinking water option yet? If not, go ahead and read this article till the end. :)

  1. You cannot rely on water cans when you need them the most

Remember the time when you got back from the office in the night and the water can was empty? That is what we are talking about.

You have come back home after a long day at work; when all you want is to get some water and go to bed, the water can is empty! And the worst part is that the neighbourhood store you get the water can from is shut as well.

Another critical time when you will run out of water is when you have guests at home. Given all the preparation you need to do before your friends or guests arrive, you would most likely forget to order a new water can. You don’t want to run into this situation at 2 AM when all of you are having a good time.

Empty water can

Drinking water is something that you need every day. And you consume at least 2 Litres of water daily. This is not something you can take lightly. You need to find the right drinking water solution that will not give up on you in times of need.

Know how you can get perfectly purified water at home.

2. You do not know who handles the water cans

You get your water cans from the nearby store. When you order a new can, a person from the store delivers it to your doorstep. You are familiar with the store and the people there.

But what you cannot know is who handled the water can before it reached the store.

Presently, we are trying to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Maintaining social distancing and sanitisation is key to keeping the virus at bay. Given the uncertainty about who handles the water cans and how they handle them, you should opt for a safer drinking water solution.

3. You don’t have information about where the water is filled from

There have been reports about how many packaged drinking water providers fill the water cans at public taps. Even if they fill the water cans at filling stations, you can never be sure of the water quality. This is because the water quality is different in different areas in a city.

Water in some areas may have high fluoride levels whereas other areas may have water with high iron levels. The acidity and the amount of total dissolved solids in water can vary too! All of this impacts your drinking water quality if it is not filtered perfectly.

Unpurified water will be contaminated

For the same reason, drinking water that comes in the water can delivered to you can impact your health. And you shouldn’t be taking a chance with something that you consume daily.

Learn more about why you cannot trust the quality of water you get in water cans.

4. You are clueless about what is in and on the water can

Don’t you rinse your vessels after every use? Similarly, the water cans need to be cleaned after every use, too.

But if you have been ordering water cans for a long time, you would have noticed that the plastic cans are not clean. At least most of them come with scratches and dirt on the outside making it difficult to see the water.

Questionable water quality in water cans

Also, given that the cans are made of plastic, they need to be recycled every couple of months. There is no way to know if the plastic water cans have been recycled or not.

5. You are contributing to environmental pollution

The 20-litre water cans you use are made of plastic. While the cans are supposed to be recycled, we cannot be sure whether the suppliers do that. On the other hand, they might be disposing them in garbage dumps adding to the already existing plastic pollution.

Water cans contribute to environmental pollution

In this case, you are being a part of the community that is contributing to environmental pollution. You can avoid this only by switching to a sustainable drinking water solution.

We hope you found the five reasons we mentioned above useful. Do let us know what you think about them by leaving a comment.

Now that you have five solid reasons not to get water cans, what will your next step be? Are you going to go ahead and keep using water cans or are you going to switch to a smarter drinking water solution? We hope you make the switch today. :)

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