Stop Drinking Water Out of Water Cans! Here’s Why

Racheal Jane Sunny
4 min readJul 6, 2021


Are water cans from neighbourhood stores still the source of drinking water for you? If you are someone who has moved out of your hometown and have settled in a city like Bengaluru, Hyderabad or Delhi, you might feel that getting a water can is the best option. But, have you ever thought about the quality of water you get in water cans? Probably not.

Drinking unsafe water can cause health problems
Drinking unsafe water can cause health problems.

This article will discuss the water can market in India and why you cannot trust the quality of water you receive in water cans. Don’t worry, we also have the perfect solution to this problem.

Just a heads-up: Almost 85% of the water cans contain water with impurities and other elements that are unsafe to consume!

Here’s what we will discuss in this article:

How the unorganised nature of water can market affects you

Why you cannot trust the quality of water you get in water cans

How to get excellent quality drinking water at an affordable price

The water can market still functions as an unorganised sector leading to water quality concerns. Let’s understand it a little better.

  1. How the unorganised nature of water can market affects you

Did you know that there are more than 3000 unbranded, unlicensed packaged drinking water providers in the National Capital Region (NCR)? This is just one area in the entirety of India. Similarly, there will be thousands of unlicensed packaged drinking water providers in other parts of the country.

The biggest problem? The fact that there is no way to monitor the quality of water delivered in these water cans.

You cannot know the source of the water that is in the plastic can

While water cans from the licensed brands have the Bureau of Indian Standards mark on them, the unlicensed, unbranded cans come with no such official stamps. This means that there is no government or private organization that has tested the water quality.

Also read: Why Water Cans are Not the Ideal Drinking Water Solution in India

This is a cause of major concern because you can never be sure of the contaminants present in the water in these water cans.

2. Why you cannot trust the quality of water you get in water cans

The majority of the surface water in India is polluted. By majority, we mean almost 80% of it! The groundwater in India is also polluted. The groundwater in different areas has different contaminants.

So, how does this impact the drinking water you get in a water can, right?

As mentioned earlier, a large number of packaged drinking water providers are unlicensed and the quality of water they provide in water cans is unmonitored. There is no way to find the source of the water and whether the water has been purified (at all!). Reputed newspapers have published several reports on how certain water can providers fill water from roadside taps.

This water can be harmful to your health because:

> It may contain high fluoride/iron content

> It may have a high level of total dissolved solids (TDS)

> It may have a high Ph level

> It may be hard water

You cannot know how the plastic cans have been handled

Moreover, the plastic cans need to be cleaned after every use and have to be recycled every couple of months. But, how many times have you seen plastic water cans without any scratch marks or dirt? Probably zero. So, even if the water is clean before being filled in the water can, it will be polluted by the time it gets to your home or office.

3. How to get excellent quality drinking water at an affordable price

Now that you know you cannot trust the quality of water you get in 20-Litre water cans, how do you access safe drinking water without spending a lot of money?

You can subscribe to DrinkPrime, a unique drinking water solution, at ₹374/Month and get safe and healthy drinking water.

DrinkPrime vs Water Cans

How does DrinkPrime ensure that you get excellent drinking water?

Unlike other water purifiers, DrinkPrime makes an effort to assess the water quality in your area and provide you with the device with a customised filtration system. This level of personalisation will help you get perfectly pure drinking water.

Forget water cans. Switch to DrinkPrime today and drink perfectly purified water at ₹1/Litre.

Subscribe to DrinkPrime

