The hidden dangers of using plastic water jar for your water intake

Anjali Sharma
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2020

Drinking water and staying hydrated is an essential part of being healthy, but picking up plastic water jar to reach your suggested daily intake might not be the smartest move. It is just adding environmental problems, or maybe masking a problem that most of us are not aware of!

There are a ton of good reasons you should consider skipping bubble-topped jar water. Scroll through to learn more about the dangers of drinking 20-liter jar’s water, which will help you to make an informed decision when it comes to choosing your drinking water.

50%Water jars filled with Tap Water

Fifty percent of 20-liter water jars are simply packaged municipal (tap) water. Many service providers are selling you tap water. Your provider leads you to believe that the H2O you are drinking is being fully mineralized and purified with all sorts of healthy properties. The reality, however, 50% of water cans being sold is actually just filled with tap water (as per the article published in Hindustan times) before it reached your door. Words like “purified” lead you to believe that water jars were filled with purified water but it’s code for tap.

20-liter Water jars Leach Chemicals

Water is essential to a healthy body and mind, but the plastic water container could be an issue. Plastic water jars are made out of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polycarbonate, or polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which can leach chemicals into the water.

You’ve probably noticed that plastic water jars become softer after being left in the sun. That water jars fully melt if enough heat is present. Chemicals in plastic products can leach in and contaminate the container’s contents, and the biggest culprit of this is BPA and phthalates. Phthalates that have been linked to asthma, breast cancer, obesity, Type II diabetes, altered reproductive development, and male fertility issues. BPA, an industrial chemical in plastic water jars that acts as a hormone and can impact the mental as well as physical development. It has been linked to obesity, Type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, allergy, asthma, and general inflammation.

Even if your water jars are labeled BPA-free often test positive for other dangerous compounds.

20-liter water jars can be Contaminated

The 20-liter water jars service provider does not have a perfect track record. It is stored in large tanks which may or may not get cleaned regularly. Another fact that should be of concern is that after packaging the water is stored in plastic bottles. These bottles are either stored in humid atmospheres or get exposed to harsh sunlight during transportation. This may result in the growth of bacterial and fungal elements inside or outside the bottles.

Re-use of Plastic Bottles Poses Health Hazard

Many packaged water provider is using the reusable jars for years, so long as that get damaged that could pose you to several health hazards. Studies show that re-use of plastic bottles- which get dinged up through normal wear and tear while being washed increases the chance that chemicals will leak out of the tiny cracks. The use of plastic can is itself harmful and using it for a long time is making things worse for you.

Plastic Water jars Production Pollutes The Environment

Plastic bottled jars create unnecessary waste. You might think that shouldn’t be a problem because water jars can be recycled. Unfortunately, that’s not what is happening, only one in five plastic water jars ever make it to the recycling bin; the rest are just taking up space and contaminating our precious planet. It takes a whopping 450–1000 years for a plastic container to decompose.

Considering these number of concerns related to 20-liter water jars, it’s clear that 20-liter plastic water jars are not a healthy solution, but an illusion that needs to stop.

Now it’s high time to find a smarter solution for all your drinking water needs. It is advisable to subscribe to a smart water purifier and get the conveniences of water purifiers at affordable and flexible rates which can save the planet, your health, and your cash.



Anjali Sharma

Internet Marketing enthusiast | Love to work in a creative environment | Nature Lover🌴🍁