New on Drip Oracle: Faucet/Garden Notifications, Wallet Importing, Exporting, and Linking.

We’ve got new features to share with you. You’re not going to miss another hydration, claim, or harvesting opportunity again.

But before diving in, if this is your first exposure to Drip Oracle- the multi-wallet dashboard for Drip, please read our previous article which provides a great introduction on our product. Likewise, please consider following this publication to stay up to date on future product enhancements, which we plan to pump out regularly. Additionally, join our telegram announcement channel to be notified of product updates via telegram or hop right in to our customer support group to ask us questions, share ideas, and talk with other Drip Oracle users.

Now, let’s dive into our latest product enhancements.

User Account/Wallet Linking

User accounts on Drip Oracle verify you are the wallet(s) owner. The reason verification is required is because Drip Oracle provides enhanced features (like notifications, discussed later) that contain sensitive information, and they are reserved for users who verify they are the owners of their wallets.

Rest assured, these aren’t your typical user accounts: there’s NO email, username, password, or personal information required. We do NOT (AND NEVER WILL) ask for your private keys or seed phrase. You have full control over your wallets. With a Drip Oracle account, you simply sign a message (no gas or transaction required) with any of your connected addresses, verifying you own it- that’s it.

There’s only two steps to take to Login to Drip Oracle:

  1. Connect your wallet
  2. Login with your connected wallet

Please note: you can use Drip Oracle without connecting your wallet and logging in, but you won’t be able to take advantage of powerful features that logging-in unlocks: notifications, transaction history (coming soon), and the ability to claim, hydrate, plant and harvest directly within Drip Oracle.

If you are on the fence about connecting your wallet, we understand. This is crypto, and there’s bad actors out there. However, have peace of mind knowing that we use the same functionality that the main Drip and Animal Farm website uses to connect your wallet(s) directly to the respective smart contracts. We DO NOT, AND NEVER WILL ask for your private keys or seed phrases. You have full control over your wallets.

You can still use Drip Oracle without connecting your wallets. You’ll still get the awesome dashboard experience, but you won’t be able to take advantage of the notifications feature, account management convenience, and future features that are for logged-in users only. You won’t be able to interact with any of the Drip smart contracts either, so no claiming, hydrating, harvesting, or planting directly from within Drip Oracle.

If you want to use Drip Oracle without connecting your wallets, you can easily do so by importing your wallet addresses. The next section will tell you how. If you’ve already connected your wallet(s) to Drip Oracle and are ready to login to take advantage of new features, skip the section below and scroll down to the section after: How to Login to Drip Oracle.

How to Import Wallets Manually

We understand that not everyone will feel comfortable connecting their wallets right now, and don’t want to make it required to connect your wallets to take advantage of Drip Oracle. You can easily import your wallets by copying and pasting them into the app. Your wallet data will appear just as if if you connected your wallets, but you won’t have the extended functionality mentioned above. Here’s how to import your wallets:

Click on the vertical ellipses at the top right of the toolbar of the Drip or Animal Farm section. Check the screenshots below for step-by-step instructions:

Add as many wallets as you’d like by pasting them in, with the option to name each one.

This will allow you to load your wallets into Drip Oracle, and optionally name each of them. You’ll be able to see all the juicy data you’d be able to see from connecting them. Additionally, you can also export your wallets:

Circling back, although connecting your wallets/logging in isn’t required, doing so unlocks powerful features, and makes it easier and more convenient for you to manage your wallets. Remember, there’s no personal information or gas required to make an account- all you’re doing is signing a message with a connected wallet.

How to Login to Drip Oracle

Here’s how logging in looks within Drip Oracle:

Click CONNECT WALLET in the top right. Once connected, click LOGIN

You’ll see a Login prompt:

Clicking LOGIN will bring up a Meta Mask popup. Signing this message requires no gas and there’s no transaction that occurs. You are just verifying you own the wallet. Verifying is required because there are features that make use of sensitive data that become available on the platform that are reserved for users who have verified they own their wallets.

The following screenshot shows the verifying process on Meta Mask:

A simple signed message to create an account/login. No gas required.

That’s it! You now have a Drip Oracle account :)

After signing the message, you’ll find yourself on the Account screen. You’ll also notice that the wallet you just verified appears under the Linked Wallets section to the right. Linked Wallets are those wallets you have linked to your user account by providing a signed message as proof of ownership- which is what you just did with your wallet.

On the Account screen, you will see your newly verified wallet is linked to your account. Any of your other connected wallets you haven’t linked will appear under the Unlinked Wallets section.

If you have additional wallets you have connected, but haven’t verified ownership of (linked to your account), they will appear under the Unlinked Wallets section. To link the rest of your wallets, switch to your desired wallet in Meta Mask, making it the currently active wallet, and a link button will appear next to the unlinked wallet. You will be asked to sign a message to link the wallet (there is no gas nor any transaction), just like you did for your first wallet. This is how you link your other wallets to your account. It only needs to be done once.

The benefits of Wallet Linking

When you verify a wallet, you simultaneously link the wallet to your account and log in to Drip Oracle with it. By doing this process once with each of your wallets, you’ll effectively tell Drip Oracle that you are the owner of each of your wallet addresses, and they’ll all be linked to your user account. We call this Wallet Linking. Wallet linking is great for the following reasons:

  • Logging in with any linked wallet loads all your other linked wallets automatically, regardless of device/browser. You don’t need to manually add each of your wallets each time you switch from your MetaMask browser on your phone to the browser on your computer (or any other device).
  • With your wallets linked, you don’t need to have a primary wallet to login to Drip Oracle. Any linked wallet can 1-click-login to Drip Oracle.
  • Being logged in with a linked wallet enables you to control the settings for any other linked wallet on your account. There’s no need to switch wallets to adjust the settings for another wallet. As the Drip ecosystem grows, and new Drip Oracle features are added to match the expansion of Drip, you’ll be doing this more frequently. Linked wallets will enable you to manage all your wallets without having to switch between them- making it easier and more convenient for you. You’ll still need to switch wallets to interact with smart contracts, and that is for security reasons. But for managing your wallet Drip Oracle settings, any of your linked wallets can edit/manage the settings of any other linked wallet.
  • As stated numerous times already, your linked wallets unlock powerful features, like notifications, and transaction histories (future) for each linked wallet.

Here’s what the accounts screen looks like when all wallets are linked, and before you’ve enabled Notifications:

Next, let’s activate Drip superpowers with Drip Oracle notifications!


Drip Oracle notifications work via a Telegram bot. The bot sends you an automated message for important events in the Faucet and Garden, as well as for incoming Airdrops and Downlines.

The notifications have a default “global setting” that will apply to all your linked wallets by default. The global setting can be overridden by each individual wallet’s notifications settings. This gives you fine-tuned wallet-level control as to how you wish to be notified- perfect if you are utilizing different wallets for different strategies and goals.

Here are the types of notifications provided for each of your wallets at this time:


  • Be notified each time a certain number or percentage of Drip are/is available in your wallet


  • Be notified each time a certain number of plants are available to plant or harvest in your wallet


  • Be notified each time you receive a new airdrop


  • Be notified each time there’s a new wallet in your downline

How to enable telegram notifications for your wallets

You guessed it, click/tap the “Enable Telegram Notifications” button from any device. You’ll be directed to the Drip Oracle Bot in Telegram. Once in Telegram, tap the “Start” button to connect your Telegram account, and begin receiving notifications.

Here’s what that flow looks like:

Click ENABLE TELEGRAM NOTIFICATIONS to initialize the Drip Oracle Bot

You’ll be taken to Telegram:

Click/Tap Start to start the Drip Oracle Bot

You’ll get a confirmation message from the bot that it’s been initialized:

If you see this message, you are ready to start receiving notifications!

Hopping into mobile mode now, you’ll see that notifications are now enabled for all your linked wallets:

Click the question mark to learn what these icons mean. A popup will appear:

You can adjust the global default notification settings, as well as each individual wallet. Here’s what it looks like to set the notification settings of a specific wallet to override your global settings. The arrow shows you where you set the individual wallet settings to override the global settings:

Override the global settings to fine-tune your per-wallet wallet notifications

That’s it! You’ve enabled notifications. You can enable or disable them per-wallet, adjust your global settings that each wallet will inherit, and set your notifications exactly how you want them to be.

Relax, and let Drip Oracle remind you based on your settings. No more frantically checking the clock, or scrambling to set alarms. Just let Drip Oracle remind you exactly when you want to be. It’s all in your control now.

Pro-tip: do you have multiple wallets that you hydrate/claim at the same time? If you don’t want a notification for each of them, just set the faucet notification for a single wallet to act as a proxy for your other wallets that are on the same schedule. You can turn off the faucet notification for your other wallets. That way you’ll still get notified when you want to for the proxy wallet, but you wont receive somewhat redundant notifications from additional wallets that are on the same schedule.

BAM! With notifications enabled, you’re going to be Dripping even more passively, and with more peace of mind. Good work!


Let’s recap the core features and benefits of this Drip Oracle release:

  • Drip Oracle accounts are here. They already unlock big benefits to users, and will continue to do so.
  • If you don’t want to connect your wallets to make an account, simply import your wallets manually. You’ll still be able to get loads of insightful data from the dashboard, for each of your imported wallets.
  • Your Drip Oracle account is created by verifying you own your wallet(s) by signing a transaction for each wallet. No gas is required.
  • Your verified wallets automatically get linked to your account: bringing convenience across your devices/browsers with the ability to manage any linked wallet’s settings from logging in with any other linked wallet.
  • Your account unlocks powerful features like notifications (and many more in the future).
  • You can set global and wallet-specific notifications with ease, from any device, logged in from any linked wallet.

There are other product updates we’d like to share with you:

UI Improvements

We’ve made the Options handling better, by moving all Drip or Animal farm options out of the Options page, to their respective toolbars. Click the toggles to see what they do.

We’ve made subtle yet impactful Drip Table format improvements and fixed the header so that as you scroll, you can always see the header and the type of data you’re looking at in the table. We’ve also added a footer that contains the totals for each column in the table. This gives you a great idea of your totals across all wallets, at a quick glance.

Wallet Import/Export

Import or Export a list of wallets from the Drip or Animal Farm section toolbar.

Credit Screen

Updated with Support Group link and Airdrop Button (this is pretty nifty, check it out). Access it from the bottom right of the app.

What’s next?

We have some big features planned, and we couldn’t get to them until we pushed User accounts out. Tangentially, our website is coming along nicely. You can access it now, but we are not going to link to it just yet.

Need Help?

Join our Drip Oracle Customer Support group on telegram and ask us questions if you need help. This is also a great place to help us out by providing feedback. You can also just stop by and say hi.

How you can support us:

This may seem obvious, but your continued usage of Drip Oracle is the best way to support us. It is the single most motivating factor to us and allows us to get better ideas as to what to build next. Keep using Drip Oracle!

Tell a friend: again, this may seem obvious, but this is a direct reminder to tell another dripper about us. Copy and paste this link:

Join our announcement channel on Telegram to get a message when there’s important Drip Oracle updates.

Drip Oracle is free to use. That being said, we’ve already put a lot of energy into this product, and especially this release. We got a couple of airdrops from our last post, and it really brought some good vibes and motivation to us. We appreciate them! Please consider airdropping if you feel called to it.

My address: 0x9e2AA1645375aE6b360E48F4458BCc515374434C

Rich’s address: 0x1c6dB52f60F30502498D9035da6bCB93edce8804

Even more important than your Airdrops is your feedback, so please consider providing it to us in our Customer Support group on Telegram. You’re likely not the only person with your idea, need, problem, or use case as it pertains to Drip Oracle. By communicating with us directly, we’ll be able to build features that solve problems for you, and the Drip community at large.

Lastly, whether you are a current Drip Oracle user, never used Drip Oracle before, or just like what we are doing, please clap the crap out of this article! It really helps and we greatly appreciate it.

