UNDS 4 Event Recap

Dripto Updates
Published in
5 min readMar 6, 2022

Undeadstock more than made up for the almost 2 year absence of public events. There was an overwhelming number of sneakerheads in attendance at UNDS 4. Dripto connected with some really cool people and brands in the streetwear scene.

It was the place to be.

On arrival, we were greated by an amazing staff that directed us straight to our table so there was no running around trying to figure out where we should be for the next 20 mins. When we entered the venue, held in Slam Alliance’s beautiful facility in Hayward, CA, it was packed with people from all walks of life. Individuals from all over the bay came here to celebrate a culture some people didn’t know existed.

As we left UNDS 4, we came away with some encouraging takeaways, to say the least. Event goers were very excited to hear about the first ecommerce platform to operate exclusively with cryptocurrency transactions. They found this concept to be a trailblazer — pushing the limits of what resale platforms can provide its community. As a result, Dripto was met with a lot of interest from attendees seeking to know more about our business model.

This led to a substantial amount of participation in our event survey. We were frankly surprised by the overwhelming number of respondents who were already crypto investors. In fact, 50% of respondents were currently invested in cryptocurrency. In addition, over 20% of respondents considered themselves to be “crypto curious” and would consider investing in cryptocurrency. Discovering first hand the significant overlap between streetwear culture and crypto investing helped us understand that Dripto is something that can really shake up both industries. A token that caters to both audiences, but provides incredible incentives was a prospect that we felt could set us apart — we just needed proof.

Proof of concept was a critical piece missing when Dripto was in the conception phase. Internally, we thought we were onto something big. We needed verifiable proof that there was a need for this product though. We found the UNDS 4 event to be an integral part in gauging the interest of our target audience. We proved to ourselves that there is a fundamental need for this product and that consumers would be interested in using this sort of platform. We discovered that over 50% of participants would use Dripto to purchase sneakers with the cryptocurrency they currently own. A fair number of participants were on the fence, with over 30% responding with a ‘maybe’. This information alone told us everything we needed. It was at this time that we knew that Dripto would forever change the resale industry. Most importantly, we would be providing the overall experience that sneaker collectors had been waiting years for.

When we were doing the surveys many people felt to ask what crypto really is. Many of them didn’t understand the whole idea of it, but who really does? Every single day something else is being discovered or made for the crypto space so we assured them it’s something we’re all learning. We asked people where they were traveling from and how’d they find out about this event. Many would say from the bay, some would mentioned they drove 4–5 hours, and we were lucky enough to get a few from other countries like Uganda. A lot of the individuals who came to our table mentioned it was their first event, and a big portion of them said they go to every sneaker event in the bay. You really get the best of both worlds, those who enjoy the scene and bathe in the drip people were walking around in, and then those who makes this their own personal hustle, their livelihood. I commend those who put every single chance they get to expand their inventory or find a grail they’ve been dreaming to add to their collection.

Meeting with sneaker and streetwear enthusiasts helped us understand the most common pain points of using services from key players in the resale marketplace industry. Most importantly, we learned that resellers and collectors have struggled with accurate shipping estimates, with over 30% of participants highlighting this issue. Responsive customer service support and communication was , and providing incentives that will fuel the community to take part in transactions. Taking this information into consideration, Dripto will focus on differentiating itself by focusing on these core issues, while expanding on the rewards ecosystem we have in place.

“Working that event didn’t feel like working at all. The energy and atmosphere of the whole event was incredible and full of life. As my first ever sneakercon event, UNDS really outdid themselves. You can bet on me being in every single one because they gave me a taste and I can’t get enough. To those who attended and took time to do a survey at our table, thank you. To those who didn’t get a chance to hear about our project, I’m sorry, I hope we reach you all soon.”

-Jean M. (Project Manager, Dripto)

We are incredibly grateful to Undeadstock Events for allowing us to be a part of such an amazing event. All of our team members had a great time meeting everyone in attendance. The Dripto team is looking forward to the next opportunity, and we will be sure to have even more exciting giveaways and items for those interested to take home. Until next time, we leave you with a couple

For more insights we found at UNDS 4, see below:

To find the latest news & updates on Dripto, check out our Telegram: https://t.me/driptotoken

Writing contribution: Jean Macalalad



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