DriveAI: A Quick Primer

The Self-Driving Car Guys
2 min readJan 18, 2016


The autonomous vehicle space is a hot mess of speculation, dubious jargon and constant news reports of what the latest and greatest is in the world wide web of self-driving vehicles. A lot of he promised this and she said that. It can be rather entertaining until you realize how it can be annoyingly redundant. We’ll keep it as simple as possible. We’re sure many of you have questions about our existence so here’s a quick rundown as to who we are and what we seek to accomplish.

What is DriveAI?

DriveAI is non-profit organization developing open-source autonomous vehicle software so that anyone can build one.

Open-Source, what’s that?

Open-source software is made to be shared, used, and changed by anyone. For DriveAI, this means we’ll develop a software platform, with your help of course, that anyone can modify for their specific purpose. The groundwork is laid out simply and effectively allowing other makers to get their projects up and running quickly. For more information, we’ll let the guys at the Open Source Initiative explain.

What’s special about you?

We’re focused on developing software for low speed vehicles. We feel it’s a simpler challenge to tackle that has grand implications. Our platform is open-sourced and relies on our growing community of passionate makers dedicated to finding the best possible solutions using the least amount of resources. Life is much too short, so we love to accomplish unreasonable goals under insane timelines.

Wait, what’s a Low Speed Vehicle?

A Low Speed Vehicle, or LSV, is a 4-wheeled vehicle powered by an electric motor that travels at a minimum of 20 mph and has a top speed of 25 mph. Think road legal golf carts, but imagine cooler uses and designs.

Why go through all the trouble?

Simply, we’re all super-curious, highly competitive or a combination of the two and saw this as challenge to be solved.

Nice! Now what should I do?

Visit our website for complete documentation and check out our code found at our Github repository. We’ll show you how to get started as soon as possible. Time is not to be wasted!

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The Self-Driving Car Guys

We develop open source software for self-driving vehicles so anyone can build one.