Why it is important to get a test drive before buying a new car?

Drive Drive Car
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2019

Buying a new car can be a difficult process, especially if you are not able to find a car that offers the features you are looking for. On the other side, once you find the car that has everything you were looking for, one of the most important things you need to do is to take it for a test drive.

You should never think about buying a car without taking it for a test drive first. Our team at Drive Drive Car highly recommends test drive before buying a car, and there are many reasons why we suggest that. If you are like most people, you will be driving that car for a longer period of time, so it is important that you are comfortable and satisfied with it.

Before you get in a car, it is advisable to do research on cars and prepare a short list of makes and models that you are interested in. Moreover, it will be helpful if you prepare a list of equipment and extras that you want in a car, things that would be nice to have and things that are not that important for you. When you are done with your list, it’s time to look for a test drive.

Here are a few reasons why it is important to test drive a car before you buy it.

Get a feel for the car

It is important to feel how the car suits you, to find out whether you feel comfortable inside or not. Before you start the engine, just sit in the car for a few minutes to see if you are comfortable in it, does the seat adjust to fit you, are the car controls in a good position that makes it easy for you to operate, etc. Moreover, you must check the visibility of the mirrors in order to make sure that there is nothing that blocks your view or requires you to crane your neck. It is a good idea to get in the backseat and make sure you find it comfortable. It is also helpful to check the trunk or storage area to make sure it is large enough to accommodate your needs. When you are satisfied that the interior meets your requirements, start driving.

Is it a good fit for you?

We all have driven a car that we didn’t like that much. Sometimes the brakes were too touchy or the slightest turn of the steering wheel would cause too big of a reaction. That’s why it is important to know if you like how the car works before buying it. If the car just doesn’t feel like a good fit for you during the test drive, you still have the option to look for something else. Looking at pictures of the car probably won’t give you an idea of how much interior space there actually is, so test driving allows you to see if the car is a good fit for you and has enough space for your needs.


When you start driving the car, try to drive it in situations that you drive every day. Listen to how the engine works and how loud the cabin of the car is. It is important that you really drive the car, you will pay a lot of money so do not be afraid to drive the car. It’s good to take a notebook with you to record your impressions after driving the car because it can help later when you are trying to choose between the cars you are considering.

Having this in mind, we have developed a test drive feature on our platform. Drive Drive Car is also intended for manufacturers i.e. authorized dealers of new cars who can list their test cars so that users can test them free of charge or at a promo price determined by the owner. This test drive option, compared to classical test drives that last really briefly, allows your customers to get to know the car, making it easier to buy.

What we especially want to emphasize is that you do not have any investment or any additional costs for listing your test cars on the platform. Drive Drive Car covers advertising costs and the cost of any kind of marketing on social networks.

It is your responsibility to list your cars and define a target group of customers that will be your potential buyers, everything else is our obligation.

After testing, users have the opportunity to purchase the tested car at a promo price. All test cars are insured by our insurance partners during the test.

We are here to help you to get the best out of your buying or renting experience. You are welcome to search for a car so that you can take a test drive of a new car that measures up to your car needs.

To take advantage of all the opportunities that the platform offers and additionally earn from the vehicles you own, feel free to sign up on Drive Drive Car.



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