Israeli EV Charging Ecosystem Map

Ariel Bashan
Drive TLV
Published in
7 min readMar 29, 2022

Written by Ariel Bashan & Raz Mayshar — March 2022

The development of adequate charging infrastructure that can support the expected growth of electric vehicles is essential. As the electrification transition accelerates, figuring out how to charge EVs becomes more and more crucial. By 2030, total EV sales are expected to increase ten-fold, and the global EV forecast shows a compound annual growth rate of 29 percent, with the total number of EVs on the road rising from 11 million to 145 million vehicles. From traditional charging infrastructure, to batteries related technology and everything in between, innovators are racing to provide key stakeholders with technology that will support the charging infrastructure and meet the demands for optimized power supply, speed, cost and deployment.

This map illustrates the Israeli startup ecosystem related to EV charging infrastructure, and is a result of Drive’s research report about the topic.

Batteries related technology

Electric vehicles are gaining popularity, yet various consumers are still hesitant to “take the plunge” and step into this new domain. A major reason for this is that charging is much slower, compared to what drivers are used to. Typically, it takes an EV at least 30 minutes of charging to reach 80% at even the fastest charging stations. Different startups are trying to solve this barrier for EV-hesitant drivers leading to wider-scale adoption. In the coming years, battery technologies are expected to improve exponentially, becoming capable of addressing the many challenging combinations of consumer demands: high power and high energy density, long life, low cost, excellent safety, and minimal environmental impact.

Addionics: Addionics provides AI based Smart 3D Electrodes that unlock improvements in capacity, power, safety, charging time, lifetime and costs for batteries with any chemistry, existing or emerging.
StoreDot: develops extreme fast charging EV batteries that address the barriers to mainstream EV adoption– range & charging anxiety. We’ve transformed the standard Li-ion battery by designing proprietary organic and inorganic compounds, enabling an EV charge in just 5 minutes — the same as a conventional car.
EEXION: EExion’s Energize N’ Go is based on a chemically manipulated Carbon Electrodes technology that charges up to 100 times faster than rechargeable batteries, with a practically infinite number of charge/discharge cycles. It its safe, sustainable, affordable and recyclable.
Carrar: a developer and supplier of high-performance thermal/cooling management solutions and technology for the eMobility arena — for battery packs, extreme fast charging systems, power-electronics, compute, powertrain, motors, and sensors.
EVchip: smart energy management.
3dBattery: 3DBattery is an Israeli pioneer in the field of energy storage technologies, founded in 2016, and which currently has the biggest battery manufacturing pilot line in Israel. There are over 4 different families of patents that, together with profound in-house know-how, allow 3DBattery to create innovation relevant to both current battery technologies and future solid-state solutions.
Algolion: ALGOLiON sells software as SaaP and SaaS for EV and other markets that provide the earliest detection of lithium battery fire hazards, warning of explosions days in advance instead of the seconds available now.
PHINERGY: Phinergy's metal–air technology turns abundant metals such as aluminum and zinc into clean, sustainable, cost-effective energy carriers. Applications include stationary energy backup, range extension for electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage.
Silib: Silib is developing and scaling up manufacturing of 3D, 100% pure Silicon anodes for Li-ion batteries. By using Silib’s anode we can increase Li-ion battery capacity by up to 40% without changing the battery form factor. Our process is simple, cost effective and does not use any precious metals. The anode and the current collector are all in one piece and can be easily used in rolled or prismatic cells. We have demonstrated hundreds of stable cycles with limited capacity degradation.

Energy storage

Energy storage plays an important role in supporting EV adoption, both as an enabler for operating charging stations when electricity production is low (whether due to limitation of renewable energy or problems in the system) and by helping to create a more flexible and stable grid system. When there is more supply than demand, the excess electricity generation can be used to charge storage devices, and when demand is greater than supply, storage facilities can discharge their stored energy to the grid. In addition, by charging storage facilities with energy generated from renewable sources, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and our dependence on fossil fuels. The global energy storage market is expected to grow 19.9% during the forecast period of 2022–2027.

ChakraTec: Chakratec’s Kinetic Power Booster enables the deployment of sustainable and cost-effective EV charging networks anywhere, while meeting tomorrow’s sustainability goals — today.
Sparkion: Sparkion offers a smart storage system powered by proprietary hardware and software management. The solution leverages new and second-life battery packs and uses dedicated power electronics and embedded algorithms to fully manage the energy input and output of each battery module independently, thereby maximizing the overall storage capacity and lifespan of the system.

Charging management software

The growth in EV sales worldwide is expected to boost demand for charging points, with up to 40 million installed by 2030. Unmanaged, substation peak-load increases from EV charging power demand will eventually push local transformers beyond their capacity, requiring expensive infrastructure upgrades. Load-management and charging optimization is even more crucial of an issue when charging a fleet. The fleet manager must charge the fleet without reaching grid overload, while also meeting all of the company’s operational requirements. To overcome these issues, several solutions have been developed as a SaaS Load Management Systems, that aims to reduce total cost of electricity, manage grid load and prioritize charging.

MakeMyDay: MAKE MY DAY optimize, simplify, and manage Electrical Vehicle (EV) Charging for fleets and drivers.
Driivz: Driivz powers the e-mobility revolution with a market-leading, end-to-end EV charging and energy management solution, for global charge point operators and electric mobility service providers.
Weev energy: Weev Energy provides a complete EV charging solution, optimized for energy constrained locations such as apartment buildings, commercial centers and workplaces.

Integrators and CPOs

Integrators are Charge Point Operators which manage a charging point network, and can integrate different functions such as installation, billing and customer service. CPOs handle diagnostics, device maintenance, and front-end support for their network. They usually offer a facilitation service in the form of an eMSP to the users of its network, which allows its own customers to access other CPO’s networks, and facilitates payment.

CPOs are the primary facilitators of the installation of charging stations for private organizations, and as such have been a key player in the adoption of public charging stations. They provide a wide range of services, from financing for the purchase of chargers to station architecture planning and consulting, and even electric grid preparation and charger installation.

Gnergy: a leading Electric Vehicle service and infrastructure company.
EVmeter: is an innovative EV charging technologies company, powered by Nayax the leading cashless payment solutions provider. As a one stop shop, EV Meter offers universal charging stations for residential and commercial environments, a robust EV charging management platform and a complete payment and billing solution.
EVedge: the leading end to end EV charge point operator (CPO) in the Israeli Municipal sector.

Grid management and power solutions

The proliferation of EVs means dramatic changes and increased demands on electric utilities and the nation’s power grid. Like many complex challenges, there is no “silver bullet” for meeting the demand created by the mainstream adoption of EVs. Today’s distribution grids and utility business infrastructures will evolve as demand increases. Increased EV adoption represents opportunities for grid management solutions, with the goal of optimizing the grid to reliably deliver the needed electricity to the grid consumers.

Brightmerge: Brightmerge is a data-driven, decision-making platform for optimizing and verifying the performance of grid-connected,advanced renewable energy microgrids for scaling up Electric Vehicle adoption.
Mprest: Leveraging its unparalleled experience and expertise in real-time mission-critical command and control software, mPrest has developed world-leading orchestration and optimization software. mPrest’s origin is in orchestrating and optimizing the world-renown Iron Dome missile interception system. Today, our focus is in managing and optimizing Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), for the benefit of aggregators and the electric grid. This includes solar, storage, Electric Vehicle Charging, and “V2G”, or “V2X”.

Wireless Chargers

One way to allow for travel without needing to stop and recharge the battery is through wireless transmission via electromagnetic induction, a system that was conceptualized many decades ago,and is now being implemented. Wireless car charging is an enhanced version of smartphone charging with several differences, because the EV charging requires much higher voltage, power, and amount of energy transferred. There are several players in this area who are developing different solutions that ease the charging process with wireless charging for dynamic charging EV while driving, or by stationary charging that eliminates the need for physical connection via cables.

Electreon: the leading provider of wireless charging solutions for electric vehicles (EVs), enabling dynamic (in motion) and static (while stopped) charging.
Charging Robotics: Charging Robotics is developing an automatic robotic wireless charging system for public parking lots.
BaTTeRi: Autonomous, Automatic & Mobile EV DC Charging.

EV motors and electronics

Ernst & Young predictions show that by 2028 EV sales in Europe will surpass those of other powertrains, a trend that will be repeated in China by 2033 and in the US by 2036. With the predictions of the spike in EV sales, manufacturers need solutions to reduce engine costs. A number of companies offer more efficient motors, with less size, weight and cost, which provide more power, efficiency and flexibility.

EVR Motors: EVR Motors has developed a unique, patented motor topology: The Trapezoidal Stator Radial Flux Permanent Magnet (TS-RFPM) Motor. Enabling smaller, lighter, lower-cost motors, tailored to user requirements. Less than half the size and weight with significant cost reduction versus state-of-the-art RFPM motors.
IRP Systems: IRP specializes in innovative electric powertrain systems for a variety of e-mobility platforms, providing an unprecedented level of efficiency and performance.
VisIC Technologies: VisIC Technologies reduces the cost and extends driving distance by innovative Gallium-Nitride power switches technology.

Access our full report to gain a comprehensive overview of the EV ecosystem. [Take me There]

We’d love to hear from you! If you have questions about EV charging, or are working on a related startup venture, we invite you to reach out to us directly at or



Ariel Bashan
Drive TLV

Research Nerd. Tech Enthusiast. Passionate about decision-making. Analyst at @Intel Corporate Strategy Office and student at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.