drivebuddyAI — A buddy to have a drive with…

Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2018
drivebuddyAI, An Autonomous Vehicle Technology Company, INDIA

Recently, at drivebuddyAI, we announced our numbers for data collection. It is all we started since last 20 days and we have collected good amount of data. The data looks something like this: 2 active devices installed into the vehicles, around 45 GB of data collected, almost 1 million images processed from edge nueral network and almost 2100 KMs the vehicles have driven as connected vehicle throwing data to the cloud continuously.

It is all about collecting the data right now and to achieve that, what we have carved is drivebuddyAI — device. The drivebuddyAI — device is a data collection unit which fits into the vehicles, needs only power supply and fits below rear view mirror on the windscreen of the vehicle. Some of the technical specifications of the device are as below.

drivebuddyAI — Device Technical Specifications

  1. 64 bit ARM processor + Intel VPU
  2. 1 GB RAM
  3. 160 degree wide angle camera
  4. Driver facing camera
  5. Audio/Visual LED based user interface
  6. 4G LTE Connectivity
  7. Smart GNSS with IMU
  8. 5V-3A power supply

drivebuddyAI — device is not only a data collection but also powerful AI engine. The device is capable of creating perception and localize the vehicle accurately.

drivebuddyAI — Device Features

  1. Forward Collision Warning (Car/Trucks/Buses/Pedestrian detection capability)
  2. Lane Departure Warning and Vehicle position measurement
  3. Real time alerts
  4. Contextual events capture
  5. Capture driver facing images
  6. Localization with smart GNSS & IMU
  7. Capture images at 25 FPS
  8. On-board storage and data persistence

These are some of the features that device provides. The user interface of the device looks as shown below.

drivebuddyAI — Device UI Explained

The user interface has number of indicators.

  1. Driver facing camera
  2. Forward collision warning
  3. Lane departure warning
  4. Network
  5. Location
  6. Video Recording
  7. Power
  8. Volume

Forward collision warning has got three section with the icon of vehicle drawn. Whenever the device detects any object in front, it measures the distance to the object from the vehicle, and according to the distance the indicator for Green(Safe), Orange(Warning), Red(Danger) will lit up with the buzzer. Similar indications for the lane line, that whenever vehicle is crossing the lane marker, it lits up the according indicator to red and alerts the driver for having a safe lane change.

Have a look at how drivebuddyAI — Device works on the road.

Hope you like the efforts, we @drivebuddyAI are putting in to make vehicles smart enough and creates a safer and smarter society.

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Entrepreneur, Startup Founder & CEO @drivebuddyAI. Learning from human drivers for the future drivers.