What is a Deliberate Question?

Carson Young
Driven By Questions
2 min readJul 27, 2017

Deliberate questions are questions which can only be answered through mindful reflection, strategic preparation, or diligent searching and experimentation.

Such questions tap into a deeper power of inquiry that is not found in the simple questions of convenience which are more common in daily life.

To help paint the picture more clearly, let me share a few examples of each type of question:

Convenient (or Simple) Questions can look like:

  • What is the price of gasoline?
  • What is the weather going to be?
  • What time is my next meeting?

Deliberate Questions (DQ’s) might look like:

  • Why can’t someone stay at my house if all the hotels are fully booked? (two friends asked a version of this question which turned into AirBnB)
  • What is the most important thing I want to accomplish tomorrow? Next week? Next year?
  • How can I use my talents to fill a need which others are struggling with?
TeroVesalainen / pixabay

Deliberate questions do not have to be deeply profound or difficult to answer…but you will find that many of them are. It is often because of their profound nature that they lead inquirers to an exciting answer or opportunity that they had not considered before.

Generally we find four types of Deliberate Questions. Those who master these four areas of questioning have a far richer life, and power to unlock new knowledge.

Join our DQ community today to receive weekly questioning tips and suggestions. The more you ask, the more you’ll learn.



Carson Young
Driven By Questions

Co-Founder of Driven By Questions publication. Dedicated husband, entrepreneur, & lifelong learner. Passionate about communication.