Top 3 Organic Food Recipes in the Style of Organic Food Restaurants!

Drive'N EATS
Drive’N EATS
Published in
6 min readAug 26, 2020

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we are sure that you would have realized the need for a strong immune system. Maybe, you are having a stock of Vitamin C and Zincovit tablets, but you would second with us that nothing could compare to the nutrients that organic foods can bestow.

While you, your kids, or your family members may not necessarily be fond of organic foods, it’s indeed the need of the hour to consume such a healthy palate. So, in our further narration, we are going to reveal to some of the most delicious organic food recipes to prepare at home in the restaurant styles.

So, gear up for a tasty journey ahead!

Organic Food Restaurant-Style Breakfast — Carrot Spice Pancakes

This organic food recipe is actually a smaller version of a carrot cake dessert. The only bonus is that you’re eating it for your breakfast.

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· Grated carrots — ¾ cup

· Applesauce — ½ cup

· Ground cardamom — ½ teaspoon (optional)

· Ground cinnamon — 1 teaspoon

· Grated ginger — 1 tablespoon


· Choose any of your favourite pancake batters

· To two cups of the pancake batter, fold in the aforementioned ingredients

· Cook the batter on a hot skillet


· Flavour the prepared dish with jam or maple syrup

· You can serve it with yoghurt too!

Nutritional Benefits

Carrot Boosts immunity through the various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, Potassium, and Phosphorous.

Ginger Improves immunity through its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cardamom Can lower blood pressure through its antioxidant and diuretic properties. Offers protection against chronic diseases through its anti-inflammatory properties.

Organic Food Restaurant-Style Lunch — Penne with Broccoli, Tomatoes, and Olives

This beautiful blend of ready-to-mix with veggies would serve as a wholesome main dish for any occasion.

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· A packet of Penne Pasta

· Broccoli florets — 4 cups

· Olive oil — 2 tablespoons

· Chopped small red onion — 1

· Minced large garlic cloves — 4

· Medium-sized diced tomato — 3

· Chopped Kalamata Olives — ½ cup

· Dried and crumbled oregano — 1 teaspoon

· Dried and crushed red pepper — ½ teaspoon (or to taste)

· Grated hard cheese — ¾ cup


· Take water in a large pot and set it to boil

· And the pasta and cook it until it turns tender but still remains firm — so, cook it for approximately 10 minutes

· For about 5 minutes, steam the broccoli florets until they turn crisp and remain tender

· Rinse the steamed broccoli florets under cold water, drain it, and set it aside

· On medium-high flame, heat oil

· To this, add onions and sauté them for about 3 minutes

· After this, add the garlic, and sauté for another minute

· Finally, add the remaining ingredients — tomatoes, olive, red pepper, and oregano, and cook the mixture for 5 minutes

· Now, drain the cooked pasta and add it and the broccoli florets to the tomato mixture

· Toss the pan gently to coat the pasta with all the rich flavours

· Cook for further 3 minutes and season the plate with pepper and salt


· Transfer the contents to a large bowl

· Sprinkle cheese and guzzle on it!

Nutritional Benefits

Broccoli Bolsters your immune system through its rich beta-carotene content. Into the bargain, the zinc and selenium minerals present in it strengthens your immunity’s defence system.

Olive Supports your immune system through its anti-inflammatory fatty acids that activate the pathways of immune-competent cells in your body

Onion Strengthens your immune system and makes it healthy through its constituent vitamins and minerals — Vitamin C, sulphur, zinc, selenium, and quercetin. This quercetin is loaded with antiviral properties, thanks to the flavonoid and antioxidants present there.

Tomato Keeps your body healthy, energized, and lowers stress, through its abundant Vitamin C content.

Organic Food Restaurant-Style Appetizer — Spinach-Stuffed Mushrooms

What can be more appetizing than a plate of warm and earthy mushroom caps? Come on, let’s see how it makes a lip-smacking dish with creamy spinach stuffing.

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· Mushrooms — 20

· Chopped onions or scallions — ¼ cup

· Chopped garlic cloves — 2

· Vinegar — 1 tablespoon

· Soy sauce — ½ teaspoon

· Chopped spinach — 2 cups

· Yoghurt — ½ cup

· Pepper and salt — to taste


· Wash the mushrooms

· Remove the stems carefully, make sure not to break their caps

· Now, chop the stems finely

· Take a skillet, and combine the shallots, vinegar, and garlic, and cook them for 1 minute or two

· Keep stirring and add the chopped mushroom stems and the soy sauce. Cook this for about 3 to 5 minutes

· Once the mushrooms soften and turn juicy, add the spinach and cook it until it wilts and the liquid in the pan is completely absorbed

· Take the pan and set it aside. Let it cool down for a few minutes

· Now stir in the yoghurt

· Season the mixture with salt and pepper

· Make sure to preheat your oven to 350-degree Fahrenheit

· Stuff the prepared spinach filling into the mushroom caps and place them in a baking pan, to be baked for about 20 minutes

· Once it becomes tender, remove it from the oven and allow it to settle for a few minutes before serving


· Serve it hot and fresh in a neat plate

Nutritional Benefits

Mushroom Edible mushrooms contain varying degrees of proteins and fibres. Jam-packed with healing antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, mushrooms destroy infections, slow ageing, and regenerate nerve cells.

Spinach With a high dose of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E, spinach is your best friend for fighting infections and replenishing the blood cells so as to boost your immune system.

Try an Organic Food Restaurant-Style Recipe Today!

The aforementioned three organic food recipes are simply easy but marvellously delicious. Go organic and bolster up your immunity. In case, you need a quick fix, you can always rely on organic food restaurants such as Twinchester Foods in the Drive’N EATS food court.

What’s interesting in going to Drive’N EATS is that you’d not only get a healthy palate of steam and organic foods from Twinchester Foods, but there are other outlets as well wherein you’d find a great variety of other dishes.

Therefore, if in your round 1 serving you take up organic foods, in your round 2 serving you can go for different food types — such as vegetarian burgers or waffles or ice creams, among various other food varieties.

Craving to relish the culinary expertise? Feel free to drop by Drive’N EATS. We’d be waiting for you in the food court to serve world-class organic palates.

