Announcement: OneBookShelf on Twitch

Meredith at Roll20
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2020

We are thrilled to announce our newly designed Twitch Channel!

Starting in November at 10:00 PT / 1:00 ET, you can spend your lunch hour with OneBookShelf through a variety of different shows!

OneBookShelf 101: Join Meredith at OneBookShelf and Adriel Wilson as they walk through the basics of publishing on DriveThruRPG. This is a great refresher for long-term publishers as well.

DMsGuild Community Jam: Join DMsGuild Brand Manager, Lysa Penrose, and a few DMsGuild Community Content Creators as they discuss their experiences with tips and tricks for publishing on the Guild!

Learn2Play with OneBookShelf: Our staff will choose one game to play from one of our sites. We will take the time to learn the game together as a team and play a session to show how awesome the game is!

Chatventures: Join Lysa Penrose for solo games (sometimes with another staff member for duo!) and use our chat to help us play! This is a great opportunity to participate with us and also hang out with other awesome people like yourself!

Storytime: On special occasions, we will be reading a fiction piece from DriveThruFiction or from an RPG title on DriveThruRPG. Get cozy and comfortable as we read to you.

Designing DriveThru: Check out previews of the new redesign for OneBookShelf sites from Product Manager, Ben Ayres-Kerr!

The most up to date schedule will be on our Twitch Channel. All streams will be uploaded to our YouTube.



Meredith at Roll20

Blog posts from Meredith Gerber @ Roll20 / DriveThruRPG