Announcing Dungeoncraft Spotlight

Lysa Penrose
Published in
5 min readSep 21, 2021

As adventurers across the world prepare to explore The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Wizards of the Coast has released a digital feywild accessory on Dungeon Masters Guild. WOTC Creative Lead Adam Lee breaks down how to create your own feywild domains and archfey to rule them in Domains of Delight. …But the delights don’t end there!

Dungeon Masters Guild is pleased to bring you a series of feywild adventures from some of the Guild’s brightest and best-selling game designers. These “Dungeoncraft Spotlight” adventures are Tier 1 (Levels 1–4) romps through feywild domains of all flavors that showcase Domains of Delight’s advice in action. Weave these into your Witchlight campaign, or get your D&D Adventurers League table hype for a season of fey… Every adventure is “legal” for official play!

>>>Explore Dungeoncraft Spotlight’s domains of delight here.<<<

Adventures will be released throughout the day/week, so make sure to check back for new fey fun! Now, let’s meet the creators…

Justice Arman

Justice Arman (he/him) is an Iranian American game designer based in Central Texas. In addition to penning best-selling DMs Guild supplements and writing for companies like MCDM Productions and Wizards of the Coast, Justice is a full-time Producer Goblin — yes, that’s a real title — at Beadle & Grimm’s. You can find him on Twitter (@justicearman) or at

More from Justice:

Bianca Bickford

Bianca Bickford is a Hispanic geek living deep in the Heart of Texas. She creates D&D 5E adventures and supplements for DMs Guild, Wizards of the Coast, MCDM, Ghostfire Gaming, and more. Follow her on Twitter @BiancaBickford for random TTRPG musings and video game crushes.

More from Bianca:

Paul Gabat

Paul Gabat, also known as DMPaulG in social media is a best-selling, ENnie award-winning tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) author and game designer located in the Philippines. As a big fan of organized play, most of his work is for Dungeons & Dungeons Adventurers League. He’s also one of the founding members of the Greasy Snitches, a TTRPG event organizing group. Lastly, and mostly thanks to his simulacrum, Paul can be seen at Baldman Games virtual events as one of their online Dungeon Masters.

More from Paul:

Emily Harmon

Emily Harmon [she/they] is a bestselling Dungeons & Dragons writer and convention organizer from the sparse pine forests of central North Carolina. A data scientist by day, she spends her free time playing with her cats, making poorly-baked-goods, and going on adventures with her spouse. Having written for Wizards of the Coast, Adventurer’s League, Baldman Games, Gary Con, Strategicon, & more, their previous projects include: Uncaged Volumes I & IV, Clonker’s Guide to Being a Hero, The Princess Project, etc. Emily voices Sepia on the Faeforge Academy podcast. You can follow their escapades on Twitter @EmilyJeaHarmon.

More from Emily:

Gabe Hicks

Gabe Hicks (He/Him), also know as GabeJamesGames, is a game designer for digital and tabletop. He creates 5e supplements, especially to emphasize new and creative solutions. He has worked with MCDM on Arcadia and Kingdoms & Warfare, Paizo, Critical Role, Renegade Game Studios, and more. Let’s put more magic into the world, together.

More from Gabe:

Anthony Joyce

Anthony Joyce is an ENnie nominated Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition designer, husband, father of three boys, and an Active Duty U.S. Army Strategist. His notable works include Baldur’s Gate: The Fall of Elturel, Elminster’s Candlekeep Companion, Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim, The Heir of Orcus: Verse I, II, III, & IV; Weekend at Strahd’s; The Blood Hunter, The Little Astralnaut and more. You can find him on Twitter at @Thrawn589 or at

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Kat Kruger

Kat Kruger is a best-selling freelance game designer at her owner-operated company, Steampunk Unicorn Studio. Having worked for Hasbro, Avalon Hill, Wizards of the Coast, Ghostfire Gaming, 2CGaming, and more, her previous projects include: HeroQuest, Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate, and various D&D adventures including the D&D NERDS collaboration. She is also the Dungeon Master on the family-friendly, actual-play podcast d20 Dames.

More from Kat:

Jacky Leung

Jacky Leung (he/him) is a best-selling, ENnie award-winning TTRPG writer, editor, and designer; additionally he is the Creative Manager of Unbreakable Publishers. He has worked for Paizo, MCDM, Evil Hat Productions, Baldman Games, and others; his previous projects include: Uncaged Volume III, Eyes Unclouded, Book of Seasons: Solstice, Unbreakable Volume 1, etc. Jacky is also a regular cast member and agent of chaos on All Nerds Here’s Twitch channel.

More from Jacky:



Lysa Penrose

I am marketing manager for DriveThruRPG and DMsGuild!