Expanding OneBookShelf Supported Charities

Lysa Penrose
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2021

You might know OneBookShelf better by the names of its marketplaces for all things tabletop RPG, fiction, cards, and more. DriveThruRPG, Dungeon Masters Guild, DriveThruCards, Storytellers Vault, and the rest of the OneBookShelf family are proud to support a variety of charity causes every year via Charity Bundles, but did you know our generous creators also can support non-profits on our Supported Charities list?

What is a Supported Charity?
A portion or all of Publisher/Creator royalties can be donated automatically to Supported Charities, listed here: https://onebookshelfpublisherservice.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035098954-List-of-Charities. When all of a creator’s royalties are donated, they also can alert OneBookShelf, and we will donate our earnings from that charity title as well.

Help us expand our Supported Charities!
We want our creator and customer communities to let us know what organizations and causes are important to them as we look to expand our Supported Charities list. Please take a couple minutes to fill out this form to let us know what causes you’d like to champion via OneBookShelf.

The OBS Team will make the final decision (for example: we want to prioritize new causes not yet represented, international organizations where we can, etc.), but the community’s voice will be a guiding part of that decision. Please note that sometimes other considerations prevent us from adding a non-profit to our Supported Charities list, including policies on the non-profit’s side; in these cases, we might seek non-profits that focus on similar issues.

Thanks for helping us help our community! If you have questions about this post or the form, please contact lysa@onebookshelf.com.



Lysa Penrose

I am marketing manager for DriveThruRPG and DMsGuild!