Joon, The “Millennial” Airline

DriveThru Branding
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2017

This summer, Air France launched a new millennial-focused airline called Joon, “aimed at a young working clientele whose lifestyles revolve around digital technology.”

It says the brand, which will not be a low-cost carrier, “has been entirely designed to meet their requirements and aspirations, with an authentic and connected offering that stands out in the world of air transport.”

It doesn’t elaborate what that might be, but on its website, it elucidates a tad more.

JOON breaks the mold, dressing its cabin crew like its customers: with contemporary elements, the new uniform is based on a trendy and comfortable minimalist style.

Air France, or, Joon, is it? We have so many things to say.

First of all, the millennial generation is a pretty diverse group of people, so when you say the brand has been entirely designed to meet their requirements and aspirations, what does that mean, exactly? All the millennials?

And when you reference a “lifestyle that revolves around digital technology,” what exactly are you referring to? It sounds as if Joon’s not meant for the person who needs to finish a presentation on an overnight to New York, so I’m guessing you mean a person who wants to remain connected to Instagram at all times.

Also. Saying you’ll dressing the cabin crew like its customers, which means an abundance of sneakers, judging by your illustrations, buckets this diverse generation group into one consolidated, homogenous lump.

Joon promises more details soon — and we’ll reserve further commentary until then, but here are three things we hope they take into account when they officially take to the skies.

1. Acknowledge individuality: “Millennial” is not shorthand for casual clothing and 24/7 access to technology. And catering to stereotypes is not a great way to speak to anybody.

2. Speak to a higher order: Wifi and visuals are important, sure, but they’re accents. And table-stakes, by the way. What can you emphasize that feels bigger and more unique?

3. Ageism: It comes in all forms, and even when subtle, it’s not a good look.

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