Ring in the New Year 2020 with DriveU!

Ashok Shastry
DriveU Blog
Published in
1 min readDec 26, 2019

Getting ready to welcome a new decade? It doesn’t matter if you are a person who likes things well planned or you are a last-minute hustler, the city traffic on the New Year’s Eve might catch you unaware at any corner. Let DriveU deal with the traffic jams, the parking hassles and after-party drops while you celebrate NYE 2020.

While you are working yourself into the New Year’s Eve frenzy with your loved ones, DriveU drivers will be running that extra mile to make sure your euphoric moments are unperturbed.

To serve you better during the hours of celebration and motivate our driver partners to be active through the NYE, our effective fares will be as follows:

These prices will be valid from 31st December 4 PM to 1st January 9 AM. So, let’s gear up for the next chapter. Hire a DriveU driver. Happy Holidays!

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