Getting closer to a person from the opposite sex

Ali AlKaff
Published in
1 min readJun 6, 2010

I had this idea written a while ago in one of my journals, and I never got the chance to try the idea out :p But I still wonder if it’s true.

“To get closer to an interesting person of the opposite sex, do not attempt to get closer to that person’s close family and friends. Doing that will actually lessen the interesting person’s interest in you. In fact, to accomplish your goal, maintain a formal distance between you and all those close friends and family, whilst, simultaneously, nurturing your relationship with that person. And make that person realize your novelty by being unlike any of that person’s usual circle.”




Ali AlKaff
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In love with science. Knowledge for its sake. Tech is part of our evolution. Philosophy isn't a waste of time. Emirati. INTJ/Enneagram 4/Cylon. Public policy.