Trump left the Paris Agreement. Want to know what did Twitter think of it?

Karan Verma
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2017

I know you know, that Trump is stupid to have left the Paris Agreement.

I know you know, that the Paris Agreement is a good thing. An optional and not an obligatory agreement.

I also know you know, that Paris Agreement is not enough anyway to deal with the climate situation.

If you don’t know any of this and would like to know, I’d suggest you read and watch some of the stuff I am hyperlinking here.

  • For some light hearted yet serious banter watch John Oliver breaking all hell lose on Trump on his show here.
  • Or if you have a little more time and want to look at it from all seriousness then here’s a treat for you, a playlist of all climate change related videos by Vox Media. I personally, love how Vox has covered climate change over the years.
  • This is all video content, but if you are the reading sorts, here’s more stuff University of California has compiled that will quench your thirst for more knowledge on the topic.

Okay, enough of the gyan (preaching), let’s come back to what we are here for. So what did the top tweeters thought of the USA leaving the Paris Agreement? To answer this question we pulled all tweets (till a week from the announcement) with the #parisagreement and studied them deeply and here’s what we found.

First off, people from across the world tweeted, yes even places such as the Channel Islands, Nepal, Maldives, and Uganda. Below is how the geographical split looked like, yes the long tale was far too long but the major ones are shown below.

Tweets from countries.

Next up, what percentage of people do you think were against trump leaving and how many for? Well, more than 80 percent were against. See the diagram.

For or Against Trump

If you look deeper to identify what feelings / emotions did the people have who tweeted against USA leaving the Paris Agreement then you’d see the below emotions.

Percentage Spread of Emotions Against Trump

You might ask what were some of the stuff being talked about under the emotion, “Vigilance”. Well, it was things like, Hawaii using a legal system to support the Paris Agreement anyway. And conversations about receiving petitions from the American people in general.

The emotions shown by tweeters who tweeted in support of the USA leaving the agreement were:

Percentage Spread of Emotions For Trump

Finally, we went ahead to see what is it that these tweeters are saying broadly. And this is what we found, again long tail ignored.

What did the tweeters actually say?

Just for the final kicker, you wont believe what France is saying to all American scientists and entrepreneurs frustrated of the administration’s attitude towards Climate Change, see for your self in this tweet:

“France is dangling 1.5 million euro research grants to get frustrated American climate scientists to move to France”

With that bombshell, see you next Monday!

