Android: MVVM with Clean Architecture Prototype Written In Kotlin

Anoop M Madasseri
Tech Log
Published in
1 min readApr 10, 2020

GithubTrendingRepos — An #Android app consuming @github Trending Rest API’s to display the current trending #Github repositories. It has been built using Kotlin with clean architecture principles, Repository Pattern and MVVM pattern as well as Architecture Components.

Github Repo Link -

App Features -

✅ Trending Repository Listing
✅ Repository sorting by stars and name
✅ Take the user to the corresponding repository on long press
✅ Pull to force refresh repository
✅ Offline Storage ( Scheduled repo remote controller syncing, App will sync with backend server in every 2hrs )

Trending Libraries Demonstration -
#MaterialDesign #Dagger2 #Retrofit #Jetpack #Viewmodel #DataBinding #RoomPersistence #Moshi #kotlinx_coroutines #LeakCanary

Unit & Instrumentation tests with -
#AndroidXJUnit #JUnit4 #Mockito #MockWebServer #Espresso #Robolectric #Truth

Please feel free to hit the 🌟 button and support on Github if you find it helpful.

