Why you should care about Mutative Design

All users aren’t the same, and you shouldn’t treat them that way

Faiz Malkani
droidconIN Blog
1 min readNov 2, 2016


(from Project Phoebe)

Focus on the user, all else will follow.

This splendid user-centric ideology from Google’s philosophy — strongly advocated by the Google Design team — at a glance makes perfect sense, but take a step back.

Why do we think we can classify over a billion users, from varying backgrounds, cultures, and upbringings; of different ideologies, visions and ages, as a single one and then go on to design for that user?

Mutative design is a different way of thinking about this problem. What if your interfaces could observe, learn and adapt to each user — tailoring an experience that is unique to them.

I’ll be sharing my thoughts on how you can start thinking about design in this way and various gotchas involved when trying to adopt this for your app.

You can catch my talk at droidconIN 2016, alongside many other interesting topics.

You can get tickets at the link below. Hope to see you there!



Faiz Malkani
droidconIN Blog

I’m a digital product designer, leading design at Agrahyah Technologies, with a focus on user experience and conversational design, and the occasional foray int