[Event Cancelled]Announcement on the Measures to be Taken for the Novel Coronavirus Infection

Published in
5 min readJan 31, 2020

This is @mhidaka from DroidKaigi Committee. DroidKaigi 2020 is and has been supported by many people. I thank you all on behalf of the Committee.

Update: Feb 19, 2020 13:30

We’ve posted an update on the cancellation of DroidKaigi 2020.

Update: Feb 17, 2020 13:30

We are considering that, in case we decide to reschedule the event, DroidKaigi 2020 ticket stays valid and can be used without any further actions. It’s not decided yet, but you can keep it until our announcement for a decision.

Update: Feb 16, 2020 14:00

We regret to inform you that, due to the current circumstances surrounding the novel coronavirus infection, we have declared DroidKaigi 2020 to be cancelled as of this time.

The events held on February 20–21 will be cancelled.
The DroidKaigi Committee are still considering possibility of rescheduling the conference, including the feasibility of holding one. We will inform you once this has been decided.

DroidKaigi 2020 is an international conference with close to 1400 participants attending 80 sessions chosen from over 400 submissions.
We have made this decision prioritizing the health and wellness of all attendees, speakers, volunteer staff running the event, and everyone involved.

DroidKaigi is and will continue to be an organization for sharing Android development information and experience. We thank everyone again for their efforts in preparing for the conference.
Thank you for your understanding.
For refunds on purchased tickets, we will handle them as noted below.

DroidKaigi Organizer

Update Feb. 14, 2020

The DroidKaigi Committee is continuing to prepare for DroidKaigi 2020 based on the policies outlined below.

We regret to inform you that, due to the change in circumstances, the following sessions will be cancelled:

・Day1 Sneaking inside Kotlin features
・Day1 Meta-Programming with Kotlin
・Day2 Making Apps ready for scoped storage coming in Android Q
・Day2 Let’s Draw! Using the Android Canvas to build custom components

As a committee we share the concerns about the novel coronaviurs infections. To respond to the situation, we are monitoring the infection closely. We have also confirmed the installation of antiseptics in the venue, and will strictly control the hygiene management of foods and beverages served during the conference.

As a primary source for information inside Japan, please refer to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website (Japanese).

For information on those infected in Japan, please refer to the following (Japanese):

The situation still remains unclear, but if you feel unwell, please do not force yourself to attend. We strongly advise everyone to conduct the same preventive measures as the common cold and influenza, such as coughing into your elbow and washing your hands.

As stated in the title, there is a possibility that DroidKaigi 2020 will be declared cancelled depending on the situation of the novel coronavirus outbreak. The decision will be made responsibly by the Committee, although we regret to have to make such a decision especially with all of you being so supportive.

We are announcing the basic policies in advance, as below. We thank you for your understanding. This announcement is for the approximately 1,000 of you who love Android and have registered to attend DroidKaigi 2020, the 100 speakers from around the world, the over 40 supporting companies that lead the tech industry of Japan, the many OSS contributors that are helping to make the DroidKaigi App, the scholarship attendees looking forward to attending DroidKaigi 2020, the DroidKaigi staff and everyone involved.

Announcement on the Measures to be Taken for the Novel Coronavirus Infection

  • Cancellation will be decided complying to the directions from the related ministries.
  • Feb. 19th, 2020 9:00AM (JST) will be set as the final evaluation deadline, and any decisions to cancel the conference made prior to the deadline will be announced immediately.
  • Cancellation will be announced immediately through Twitter, Email, and/or our Website.

Cancellation of the conference and cancelling attendance due to the infection will be as follows:

  • Any attendee who would like to cancel attendance due to being diagnosed with the infection or even concerned about the health risks of the outbreak will be refunded unconditionally, regardless of the Committee’s decision or lack thereof.
  • If the decision is made to cancel the conference, the Committee will attempt to schedule and hold the conference at a later date.
  • The committee will accept any refunds even if the conference is to be held at a later date.

Of course, you are free to defer your decision to refund to after the additional schedules are fixed. In any event, the Committee will honor the decision of the individual.

The links below are from the Q&A pages of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on the novel coronavirus. (in Japanese)

It is important that you do become over-anxious [of the infection], and take normal precautions such as taking care of your throat and washing your hands, as you would with the common cold and influenza.
(translated excerpt from the Q&A)

We understand the anxiety due to the lack of information about the inflection, and the DroidKaigi Committee will continue to pay special attention to the situation.

DroidKaigi has continued to be a conference tailored for developers since 2015. The situation is unclear, but we greatly appreciate your support.

Last but not least, any changes, additions, deletions of the announcement will also be made on this page. The following are some answers to question we have been asked.

Q. Are the refunds for tickets only? What about travel expenses and hotels I have already paid for?
A. Unfortunately, the refunds are for tickets only. We apologize and thank your understanding.

Q. What about scholarships?
A. The expenses and reservations for hotels, trains, flights etc. for scholarship-backed attendees will be handled by the Committee responsibly. You will not have to pay a penny.

Q. Will the decision affect the Speakers’ Dinner planned to be held on Feb. 19th?
A. Yes. If the decision is made to cancel the conference, the Speakers’ Dinner will be cancelled as well.

Update: Feb 16, 2020 15:47

For ticket refund inquiry, please contact us via Doorkeeper.

Thank you for your understanding.

DroidKaigi Committee Representative



