DroidKaigi 2019 (planning) Has Begun!

Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2018

(The original text for this article can be found here.)

Hey! I’m @tunakyonn from the DroidKaigi 2019 public relations team.
On this past 16th of May, we held a kickoff meeting for DroidKaigi 2019.

This meetings goal was to ensure that all the staff had the same image for the type of event and contents that we want to put on for DroidKaigi 2019.
We also decided to create teams that have specific roles for DroidKaigi 2019.

For this years DroidKaigi, we decided that we want to try and provide year-round contents. To facilitate that, there are three main teams that are starting to move:
The Video Distribution team will provide live streaming of various Meetups and events.
The Codelab team is creating an environment where people can try new technologies related to Android development.
The Public Relations team will provide updates relating to the development of DroidKaigi, and events we may be holding.

Sorry about the lighting! We’ll get a better one next time

After we had decided on these teams, and decided who would join what team, we split into groups to talk about what each team would do.

From hereon, we will not only be preparing for the DroidKaigi 2019 event.
DroidKaigi is a festival for Android Engineers, so it seems like a waste to not use the whole year.

To begin with, on the 23rd of May we will hold the first DroidKaigi Codelabs Tour — I/O’18 Codelabs.
Because we want to also involve those who can’t join on the day, the Video Distribution team will also try to livestream the event!
This is the first time that we will hold an event like this, and also attempt livestreaming, so there will be some trial and error while we sort things out, but we hope you will come along for the journey with us.
In order to get a feel for the technology, the public relations team will also be dispatched to give a report of the event!

We are also recruiting more staff as we head towards DroidKaigi 2019! If the contents of this blog look interesting to you, please subscribe, or follow the DroidKaigi Twitter account for more info!

Please look forward to the next installment!




Software Engineer, tinkerer, motorcycle enthusiast, Space nerd., opinions are my own. 日本語OK