Efforts for D&I at DroidKaigi and Conducting Surveys

Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2021

This is S_Shimotori, DroidKaigi Co-Organizer.

As an effort to cultivate an environment where more participants can enjoy the event safely, the DroidKaigi Committee has been addressing Diversity & Inclusion (D&I). We’ve asked you to answer surveys in past events, and these have been greatly helpful in improving operations at DroidKaigi.

This article will explain D&I at DroidKaigi and policies in conducting future surveys.

D&I at DroidKaigi

DroidKaigi’s goal is “Sharing and communicating Android technical information”.
Many of you have participated in past DroidKaigi events such as the annual international conference. We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation.

The DroidKaigi Committee believes that D&I for DroidKaigi means everyone willing to attend a DroidKaigi event, regardless of their backgrounds, can feel safe and secure about it, and also achieve DroidKaigi’s goal as stated above.

For instance:

  • Events should be a place where everyone, regardless of any of their backgrounds (including and not limited to age, gender, and race), is welcome and can feel safe and secure.
  • Anyone with varying accessibility needs can enjoy events just as well as anyone else.

We firmly believe that achieving these goals will introduce diversion and spark further growth in the Android development community.

Past events have been a joint effort between you and the Committee. We wish to continue this effort in holding upcoming events, such as DroidKaigi 2021, and also value the code of conduct.

DroidKaigi_portal › Code of Conduct

DroidKaigi is still far from perfect, and our efforts towards D&I are still in progress. We wish to take in your comments and opinions to make DroidKaigi events safe and secure to attend.
If you have any thoughts and/or come across any inconveniences regards to our efforts toward creating a safe and secure environment, such as D&I and the Code of Conduct, feel free to contact us at code-of-conduct@droidkaigi.jp.

Conducting Surveys

From a D&I perspective, we will be asking you to answer surveys that may include questions about sensitive background information to better understand and improve on the following:

  • What kind of people are participating in DroidKaigi events
  • If everyone participating in DroidKaigi feels safe doing so
  • If everyone participating in DroidKaigi enjoys the event

Any information given will be managed under our Privacy Policy.
All answers are optional. If you do not wish to give information, feel free to skip the question or select “Prefer not to answer”.
We believe that even a partial answer from you will help advance DroidKaigi and the community.
We thank you for your understanding.

