DroidKaigi is waiting for your session!

Published in
4 min readOct 17, 2018

This entry is a translated version of the the DroidKaigi 2019 call for speakers by mhidaka. After reading this entry, please apply!

Session requirements: https://droidkaigi.jp/2019/en/requirements/
Application deadline: 2018/10/21 23:59 JST (UTC+9:00)

Let’s have Discussion & Communication !

Event details

Time and date: February 7th, 8th 2019
Topic: Android and related technology
Location: Bellesalle Shinjuku Grand Conference Center

DroidKaigi 2019 is the 5th annual DroidKaigi event. In the past events, thanks to the number of great speakers giving great sessions, we have been able to share much information with our attendees. The videos of many of these sessions have been published online. We are looking forward to being able to share technical information again this year.

An environment where engineers can have fun

Being the president of DroidKaigi, I (mhidaka) have been able to talk with many different people, and have received a wealth of opinions, which all aid in helping us to run a better conference the following year.

From running past events, the one thing that I have found the hardest is quantifying the value of engineering knowledge/experience.

The purpose of DroidKaigi, as an international conference, sharing Android related information, and communication with other Android related engineers.

In order to improve the overall tech community, and each individual attendee themselves, we try to organize the conference so that everyone can obtain at least some of this information.

Through speakers, we are able to share this information through the format of a lecture, where attendees can listen and apply this information.

So what’s next?

The knowledge you have obtained from other people undergoes a chemical change as you use it, becoming a source of new, original knowledge. However, often is the case that those close to it will not see it for the value that this knowledge holds.

Knowledge becomes more systematized, more refined as we share it with others (You may have noticed this as you go about your day to day business).

Rest assured, we don’t expect you to think that you have to talk about something that all 1000 participants will find new or useful.

Talk about the thing that you wish someone had told you a year ago. If you’re thinking “but everyone knows this” — you would be surprised! The term ‘lecture’ might sound a bit grandiose. You might feel nervous at the thought of speaking in front of people. However, everyone is in the same boat, so you can relax. Public speaking is one of those things that you never really get used to, however once your lecture is finished it is not uncommon to feel “woah, that was great! I want to do it again!”

We are constantly striving to improve the conference each year, and this year we will introduce real-time interpretation for Japanese ↔ English. Of course, there could be issues with the quality of translations etc, however if we can lower the barrier to entry even just a little, we want to try. We are also trying to improve the lunch and other snacks that are available, so please look forward to DroidKaigi 2019!

For applying your proposal

Although we have set a main theme for each previous years DroidKaigi, We have not set one for DroidKaigi 2019.

Android technology is used in a various ways, and has also grown in various fields.

So we think setting a theme creates a limitation for them.

There are various categories available, such as framework, knowledge of specific libraries, experience of project development, steps of learning android development, developer support tools and specific for language like Java and Kotlin.

Of course you are not limited to these above categories. You can check the details of categories from session requirements page(https://droidkaigi.jp/2019/en/requirements/).

What if you think your content might be too specific? Don’t worry😉. we have around 1000 participants. So if even 5% of attendees are interested in your session, it means 50 people will be satisfied with your session!

We are really looking forward you to applying your proposal!!

Details of session requirements: https://droidkaigi.jp/2019/en/requirements/
Deadline: 2018/10/21 23:59 JST (UTC+9:00)

If you post your proposal, it is helpful that you are mentioned about a target of your talk. You can update your application by the deadline. We will inform you of a result in the middle of November.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me (mhidaka).

It is ok to ask me to review of proposal, but not involved advice such as how to be selected. (I will reply as much as possible as time permits.)

Enjoy DroidKaigi!




Software Engineer, tinkerer, motorcycle enthusiast, Space nerd., opinions are my own. 日本語OK