Launching DronaHQ Designer — a step in the direction of persona based NoCode

Jinen Dedhia
DronaHQ — Low Code Platform
2 min readJul 4, 2020

In the summer of 2018 when DronaHQ NoCode platform was in its initial days, we asked a question to ourselves, Who would make apps with NoCode., Developers or Business users? And we had two camps, one believed developers should be the makers and while the other camp was long on business users. An engineer in the team asked a simple question — how about both? We found merit in that suggestion and we made a simple rule — everything to be excel spreadsheet like simple for business user and powerful enough for developers.

Today, 2 years later — we launch DronaHQ Designer, meant for the designers. Based on our founding principles, it is simple for end users to drag and drop and use the produce from the designer while the developers can use it to make their pixel perfect designs.

For example — in my CRM app, a designer in my team helped me build the below control. (this control is supposed to show details of a lead in our CRM).

Some interesting aspects of the Designer: you can select any item from the control you design and make it a bindable or actionable. Whats bindable anyway? Bindable is a way to let the Studio user to program that string with formula driven value and Actionable is a way to let the studio user define actions on its click. In the above example, company name is bindable and call button is made clickable.

DronaHQ Designer is meant for front end designer to build controls for mobile to web interfaces. Designer lets you import html/css code or use the build in components to drag and drop and create components. Once published the control will be available in DronaHQ Studio for the business users.

a quick sneak peek to using the designed control

In lines with our philosophy — we don’t pass the complexity to the Studio user, who we believe is a business user.

This persona based NoCode enables to differentiate toolsets between business users and developers and make them work seamlessly together while building a complex app.

Would love to hear your feedback or comments.

