Retool Portals and Embed Review: DronaHQ Similarities and Differences

Gayatri Sachdeva
DronaHQ — Low Code Platform
3 min readJul 14, 2023

TL;DR: The platform’s latest releases Retool embed and Retool portals brings them closer to the feature set that DronaHQ has been offering. It is encouraging to see other players in the low-code landscape recognizing the value and significance of these capabilities. Here’s some similarities and differences we spotted.

With all the buzz around the new launches it only seemed fitting to explore similarities and differences .. Upon reviewing Retool’s external apps, it becomes evident that they have matched us at several features.

It is an ongoing comparison and will be updated with more details.

Retool Embed vs DronaHQ Embed


  1. Custom branding — Custom CSS styling, themes, custom UI components
  2. Embedding methods — Generate Embed URLs and pass user details to avoid double logins (Secure embed)
  3. Supported Use Cases — Both support set of use cases such as partner/vendor portals, customer portals, employee portals
  4. Data passing — Both Retool and DronaHQ supports data passing from the parent app to embed app


  1. Authentication — Retool sports only authenticated user mode access for Embed. DronaHQ supports both authentication and non auth mode (think embedding forms to websites or ecommerce platforms)
  2. UTM parameter tracking — DronaHQ enables the use of query params for UTM and tracking, passing data from the parent query string to embed apps. Analytics tools, marketing automation, and CRM systems automatically recognize these parameters.
  3. Pricing — Retool allows only Pay-per-user pricing support whereas DronaHQ does pay-per-user AND pay-per-view options *

*Retool Embed and Portal apps are available in Business plans or higher. DronaHQ offers embed and external portals right from the Starter plan (with ). Retool does not offer a free trial or free credits to explore Embed and Portals.

Retool Portals vs DronaHQ Portals

  1. Custom branding — CSS Styling, custom domain, themes, custom UI components
  2. Secure authentication — Connect to Okta, AD and other SAML or openID and oAuth2.0 SSO
  3. Web portals — Both support web based portals ***
  4. User Permissions — With Retool, users can be accessing only one portal ( ), with DronaHQ there is no such limitation.
  5. Authentication — Retool sports only authenticated user mode access for Portals. DronaHQ supports both authentication and non auth mode (public access).
  6. Pricing — Retool allows only Pay-per-user pricing support whereas DronaHQ does pay-per-user AND pay-per-view options

**While Retool does mobile apps, it is not clear yet if portals are supported on mobile. DronaHQ does web + mobile portals.

Closing notes

As part of my ongoing research, I am thoroughly examining the features offered by both Retool and DronaHQ. At first glance, Retool’s offerings seem very similar to DronaHQ, but further analysis is required to provide a comprehensive comparison. I will update this article once I have conducted a thorough evaluation of their respective features, ensuring a fair and accurate assessment.

As the low-code market continues to evolve, we welcome healthy competition and look forward to further advancements that benefit developers and businesses alike.

If you’d like to see a more comprehensive comparison between DronaHQ and Retool, check it out >

Check out more about DronaHQ Embed Apps >

Schedule a demo with us to learn more >

Originally published at on July 14, 2023.

