Retool vs Appsmith vs DronaHQ: Which low-code platform will it be?

DronaHQ — Low Code Platform
7 min readMay 14, 2024

The low-code market has witnessed exponential growth over the past few years, reshaping the landscape of software development. With the market valued at $13.2 billion in 2023, far exceeding initial predictions, it’s evident that low-code platforms have become integral to modern businesses. Forrester predicts a further surge, estimating the market to reach $30 billion by 2028.

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Among the myriad of tools available, Retool and Appsmith have emerged as prominent players in the internal tools category. In this article, we’ll delve into a comprehensive comparison of Retool and Appsmith, alongside DronaHQ, to help you make an informed decision for your low-code needs.

Understanding Low-Code Platforms

Low-code app development platforms empower users to build custom business apps or tools for internal teams, such as HR, Operations, Finance, and Sales and Marketing, at a rapid pace. These platforms offer visual drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-built UI components, and seamless integrations with databases and APIs, enabling reusability and making app development up to 90% faster.
Read also: What is low-code? Definition, use-cases, popular platforms | 9-step guide to pick the right low-code platform

Key Evaluation Criteria for Low-Code Platforms

Choosing the right low-code platform for your business hinges on several critical factors:

  • Ease of Use: The platform should allow quick assembly of applications with minimal coding.
  • Scalability and Performance: It must handle increasing workloads and maintain performance.
  • Extensibility: Users should be able to add custom code and functionalities.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: The platform should offer a good ROI, especially when scaling.
  • Innovative Features: Adoption of the latest technologies like AI can significantly enhance capabilities.
  • Customer Support: Reliable support is crucial for resolving issues swiftly.
  • Monitoring and Observability: Tools to track application performance and troubleshoot issues are essential.
  • Real-Time Data Streaming: Capabilities to handle real-time data are increasingly important.

Retool vs Appsmith: Platform Overview

What is Retool?

Retool is renowned for its developer-first approach, facilitating fast-paced internal tool development. Based in San Francisco, Retool offers a robust suite of development tools, including support for building web, mobile, and embedded applications. Its drag-and-drop interface simplifies the development process, but users may encounter limitations with browser-based performance and extensibility with custom code.

Retool Pros:

  • Extensive integration capabilities with over 50 databases and SaaS platforms.
  • Powerful drag-and-drop interface that simplifies UI construction.
  • Support for automating workflows and scheduling jobs.
  • Native AI functionalities and integration with AI models.

Retool Cons:

  • Performance can be limited by browser capabilities.
  • Limited extensibility beyond JavaScript.
  • The high total cost of ownership when deployed on-premise.

Popular Retool use-cases among developers:

Admin panels, Customer support tools, Internal CRUD applications

Thought on Retool Pricing:

Retool offers tiered user-based pricing plans, including a free starter plan and premium plans that provide more features and support. Reviewers on platforms like G2 and Capterra have voiced concerns about the pricing being limited; essential capabilities like custom SSO or white labelling can only be achieved in the enterprise tier. A per-user pricing structure can be steep for organizations with a large user base.

What is Appsmith?

As an open-source platform, Appsmith attracts developers with its transparent approach and active community. It excels in building web applications and offers extensive integrations, though it struggles with performance at scale and offers limited support for mobile environments.

Appsmith Pros:

  • Open-source with a large community.
  • High level of customization for UI components.
  • Extensive library of pre-built UI components and templates.

Appsmith Cons:

  • Limited performance in large-scale deployments.
  • Restricted to client-side JavaScript for custom logic.
  • Lacks native support for mobile application development.

Popular Appsmith use cases among developers:

Dashboard applications, Database management interfaces, Simple workflow applications

Thought on Appsmith Pricing:

Appsmith offers tiered user-based pricing plans, including a free starter plan and premium plans that provide more features and support. Reviewers on platforms like G2 and Capterra have

What is DronaHQ?

DronaHQ stands out with its comprehensive capabilities for building both web and mobile applications without any extra charges or rework, offering an intuitive platform that is accessible yet powerful.

DronaHQ Pros:

  • Supports the building of web and mobile applications seamlessly.
  • Intuitive workflow builder with minimal coding requirements.
  • Flexible embedding options for existing websites or portals.
  • Multiple licensing options tailored to different business needs.
  • 24/7 engineering support and a rich library of UI controls and connectors.

DronaHQ Cons:

  • Might be overkill for teams only needing simple applications.
  • The learning curve for maximizing the platform’s full capabilities.

Popular DronaHQ Use-cases:

Multipage applications for complex workflows, Customer portals, engagement tools, Extensive data management applications, Embedded operational tools

DronaHQ — the superior alternative to Retool and Appsmith

DronaHQ not only competes effectively on all standard metrics such as ease of use, scalability, and cost efficiency but also distinguishes itself with its unique features. It offers over 100 advanced UI controls and more than 70 API and database connectors, providing extensive customization and integration options. Furthermore, its ability to build multipage apps and support for real-time data processing makes it a highly versatile choice for businesses.

Uniquely positioned, DronaHQ not only covers all the bases that Retool and Appsmith do but also extends capabilities significantly. Here’s how:

  1. Dual Capability: DronaHQ users can build both web and mobile applications without additional costs or extensive rework, providing a seamless experience across platforms.
  2. Advanced Workflow Builder: Unlike its competitors, DronaHQ offers an intuitive, flowchart-like builder for front-end logic. This enables the creation of complex workflows with minimal coding, making it ideal for non-technical users to implement sophisticated functionalities.
  3. Embedded Applications: DronaHQ supports the secure embedding of applications within existing websites or portals, enhancing the integration capabilities with existing IT ecosystems.
  4. Flexible Licensing: With multiple licensing options, DronaHQ ensures businesses can select the most cost-effective model for their needs, whether based on user count, usage, or developer-focused plans.
  5. Round-the-Clock Support: The platform guarantees 24/7 engineering support, ensuring that help is always on hand to troubleshoot and guide.
  6. Multipage Applications: While competitors often limit users to single-page applications, DronaHQ facilitates the development of multipage apps, offering a richer user experience and better navigation structures.

Real-world applications of DronaHQ

DronaHQ is versatile enough to support a wide range of use cases — from internal tools and dashboards to customer portals and complex workflows. Its capabilities are particularly beneficial in scenarios requiring rapid development cycles and robust back-end integrations, such as managing CRON jobs, orchestrating APIs, and deploying AI-driven functionalities within applications.


Choosing the right low-code platform depends on your specific business needs, such as the type of applications you need to develop, your budget, and the level of customization you require. Retool, Appsmith, and DronaHQ all offer significant advantages, but DronaHQ’s extensive features and flexibility make it a strong candidate for businesses looking to leverage low-code for comprehensive digital transformation.

By understanding the detailed features, pricing, and use cases of each platform, businesses can make an informed decision that aligns with their strategic goals and operational needs.

Why do developers switch over from Retool or Appsmith to DronaHQ?

Both Retool and Appsmith are popular low-code platforms, but like any software solution, they have limitations. Here are some of the common flaws or limitations combined for Retool and Appsmith:

  • Performance at Scale: Both platforms can struggle with performance, especially as applications grow in complexity and size. Retool often experiences performance bottlenecks due to browser-based code execution, while Appsmith’s client-side JavaScript may lead to inefficiencies in handling large datasets or high user volumes.
  • Limited Extensibility with Custom Code: Retool restricts custom code primarily to JavaScript, limiting developers who may prefer or require other programming languages for specific functionalities. Appsmith, while offering customization through JavaScript, restricts its extensibility by confining custom scripts to client-side execution.
  • Mobile Application Support: Appsmith lacks direct support for mobile application development, which can be a significant drawback for organizations looking to create unified solutions across desktop and mobile platforms. Retool does provide some support for mobile apps but might not be as comprehensive compared to platforms specifically designed for cross-platform compatibility.
  • Legacy Deployment Challenges: Both platforms offer on-premise deployments, but these can be cumbersome and resource-intensive. Retool’s legacy on-premise solution requires substantial infrastructure and DevOps investment, while Appsmith, although less demanding, still poses challenges in scaling and maintenance in self-hosted configurations.
  • Real-Time Data Handling: Neither Retool nor Appsmith excels in handling real-time data streaming inherently. This limitation can hinder operations that rely on real-time data, such as operational dashboards or applications requiring immediate data updates and interactions.
  • Observability and Monitoring: Integration with native observability tools like Datadog or New Relic is not straightforward on either platform. This can complicate efforts to monitor application performance and troubleshoot issues efficiently in environments where these tools are standard.
  • Comprehensive AI Integration: While Retool has begun integrating AI functionalities, its capabilities are still not as advanced or as integrated as some competitors. Appsmith lacks built-in AI features, which can be a drawback for businesses looking to leverage the latest advancements in AI within their internal tools.
  • Customer Support and Service Location: Appsmith, being based in India, may not offer the same level of real-time support expected by U.S.-based enterprises due to time zone differences and localization of customer service. Retool provides more localized support but restricts the highest level of customer service to enterprise-tier clients.
  • UI Flexibility and Styling: Although both platforms offer UI component libraries, the degree of customization and flexibility in styling these components can be limited. This might restrict the ability to fully align the application’s appearance with corporate branding or specific user experience requirements.

