State secretary visits UAV team

Christian Bettstetter
Dronehub K
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2017
Outdoor and indoor drone demonstrations (credit: aau/Stabentheiner)

Austria’s state secretary for science, research, and economy — Harald Mahrer — visited the University of Klagenfurt and the Lakeside Science and Technology Park. After speaking with the university’s rector and deans, he visited the startup incubator build!, the Informatikwerkstatt, and our unmanned aerial systems team.

The visit to our team was kicked off by an outdoor demo with video streaming from a drone given by Samira Hayat and Jürgen Scherer. We discussed our team’s ongoing research activities. Afterward, Stephan Weiss gave an indoor demo with autonomous (non-GPS) navigation, followed by a discussion about our future research objectives.

Mahrer was excited about the diversity and the innovative climate in and around the Lakeside Park. He said that researchers should dare to address high-risk topics that still have impact in 20 years, stating that multidisciplinary research approaches will become more significant. His vision is to see Austria become the #1 place for founders in Europe.

The Dronehub K team would like to thank Harald Mahrer for his visit and the very interesting discussions. It was great to have you here!

State secretary Mahrer and Professor Rinner (credit: aau/Stabentheiner)

