Prompts because fuck writing right now

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About High School in the Midwest

17 questions and all that shit

Ginger Cook
Drop a Line Pub
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2023


The path I had to walk every day to school. Photo by Austin Goode on Unsplash

I don’t know where this challenge started but Mike Butler is back (insert one million heart eye emojis), and he tagged me in his story.

I’m so happy he’s returned to Medium that I would suck a chicken dick, so I’ll participate in his challenge.

Most of you already know I see myself as a bit of an outcast, so this isn’t going to be full of cheerleader stories or valedictorians. OK?

  1. What year did you graduate? 2001! I usually feel old after saying that, but after seeing some of your years, I’m feeling better about myself. ❤ Our graduation song was The Time of Your Life by Green Day, and that’s really all I have to say about my senior year. Oh, and also I fucked my math teacher’s son that year.
  2. Did you carpool? I walked a lot; it only took about ten minutes to get to the high school from my house. I also rode the bus until about junior year, when one of my friends got a car with a flame on the side and only one working door. But it was good enough to get us to school.
  3. What kind of car did you drive? I didn’t get my license until I was almost 21! Sadly, we had a…



Ginger Cook
Drop a Line Pub

Severely depressed. Anxious about everything. Sound familiar?