The quickest way to send personalized messages to the right customer, at the right time

Drop — Conversational Marketing
3 min readJan 28, 2021

We did all the heavy lifting, for you.

One of the biggest hurdles to launching your own interactive, SMS marketing initiative is designing the automated, foundational flows, from the actual copywriting to connecting the conversations through mapping, and subsequently training the program to recognize various input phrases from users. If this already sounds like a lot of work, you’re right, not to mention the monetary investment needed to get the job done. This is why providing various customizable ready-to-publish conversations that are triggered by multiple events along the customer journey, is a cornerstone of our platform and Flows feature. Combining the ability to edit pre-drafted flows to match their voice, and create automated conversational flows from scratch, our clients can quickly launch an SMS program that is both robust and on-brand.

Make it conversational, make it valuable.

Another key benefit to our Flows feature is their ability to make a text program an interactive, two-way conversation through our “Starter Pack” of flow templates. These are easily customizable foundational conversations and replies that a direct messaging marketing program needs to answer the most common questions and comments from their subscribers. Currently, the market is flooded with brands launching SMS campaigns that are one-sided, and don’t reply to the most common statements like “thank you.” Creating no room for an actual back and forth, this immediately feels empty to the customer on the other end, like spam, and with the sensitive nature that text messaging holds, this strategy results in high opt-out rates. Having these recommended foundational flows allows our customers to avoid this issue entirely, and make their SMS program a fun and conversational experience.

Good for you, good for them

Along with the foundational flows, we have made it easy for our customers to draft their own conversational flows, triggered from critical events across the customer journey with the added ability to target specific text audience members. Launching an SMS program that is auto-triggered by the personal needs of individual customers makes it highly valuable to each subscriber, while also reaching higher conversion and low opt-out rates.

Think about the long-run.

Ensuring a conversational marketing program provides long-term, not short-term value to its audience is key in keeping opt-out rates low. Building a solid foundation of features and flows present along the full customer cycle greatly adds to its overall effectiveness for brands and usefulness for the text audience. From making sure customers know their package will be delivered that day, to letting them know when the next product release will be, these automated flows will create a long-term meaningful relationship among brands and their text audience.

If we’ve piqued your interest in conversational marketing, want to learn more about Drop, or simply want to connect, send us a text at 1–833–217–4200 or sign up to get early access here.

