Top 3 Reasons for Why You Should Start With a Niche Specific Stores

Anton Kraly
Drop Ship Lifestyle
4 min readApr 12, 2019

A common mistake for people who want to open their own eCommerce store tends to take them off course early. The ideas start to swirl around and instead on focusing on one type of product, they get hooked on the idea of a general dropshipping store.

If Amazon can do it, why can’t you? Well, you are not Amazon!

Niche specific does not mean dropshipping one specific product, it means dropshipping one specific type of product.

You don’t have one product page, you have many of them. But these niche specific dropshipping stores are built around a single theme, a single niche.

Here are three reasons why a niche-specific dropship store is better than a general store.

  1. Easy Way to Build Trust with Consumers

With a niche specific dropship store, you’ll have more authority and appear more credible in your niche.

Picture this, you are shopping for paddle boards when you come across an online store that sold paddle boards, gun safes, model trains, and some board games, wouldn’t you be a bit confused?

Instead you find another site that just sells paddle boards. They have all the top brands and there are loads of them, but that’s all they sell. Wouldn’t you trust them a little bit more?

It’s hard to describe exactly why it builds more trust without just staying that when you can be really specific, people seem to take you more seriously.

In fact, when you get niche specific it actually allows you to stand out. Standing out will give you a competitive advantage over those big box-type stores.

This plays into Reason #2 why niche specific Shopify dropship stores are better.

2) You Can Create Content for a Targeted Audience

If your store is niche-specific, then you can build everything around that one niche. Your social media accounts, your blog, your podcast and share all of this with your targeted audience.

Now it doesn’t all have to be about your products. But if there are tournaments related to what you sell, trade shows, interviews with influencers.

Anything related to what you sell is still targeted marketing. You won’t be able to do that with a general store. You can’t mix in content play that’s actually going to connect with your target audience.

When you go niche-specific, you can build content that actually resonates with an audience. All the forms of content you create matches the market and matches what you are selling.

Going broad, you really don’t have a target audience. Having content that doesn’t match and concentrates on different topics daily will just cause confusion among your audience.

3) Allows You to Position Yourself as an Expert

When your store is targeting a specific niche, it’s easy to give someone an experience as if they walked in to a shop where there was an expert that’s been paddle boarding for 20 years that had all the answers ready to go.

They will see a store catered to the one thing they are looking for and a live chat that helps answer any questions they have about the product.

Now, some people create eCommerce stores based on a niche that they chose out of profitability over their knowledge of the product. The importance of continuous improvement and always learning and researching can help you become an expert. With a general store, it’d be impossible to be an expert on everything you sell. There would just be too much information to know.

Remember, if you position yourself as an expert and actually are able to answer questions, or get the answers is a huge reason that stores can stand out and actually get sales in a world where there are a few massive online giants.

As you make that decision on what to sell in the world of eCommerce, remember these three tips on why a niche-specific store is a better idea than a general store. Being able to gain trust is incredibly important in eCommerce (as well as any business), as is being capable of creating targeted content for your audience and being seen as an expert in your field.

As always, there is a ton of information out there to become an expert. On top of that, I created a webinar to get you up-to-speed on becoming an expert in the field of eCommerce. Sign up here!



Anton Kraly
Drop Ship Lifestyle

I help people create, grow, and sell online businesses from anywhere in the world! Founder and CEO of Drop Ship Lifestyle