DropDeck.io Supporter Bonus Program

Published in
3 min readNov 13, 2017

Calling for crypto-savvy supporters!


  • All eligible* supporters can participate, so don’t rush and fall victim to scams.
  • We will never direct/private message you regarding the sale.
  • Give your wallet address or Support Code to the person you help participate in DropDeck.io Presale or Crowdsale.
  • Ask that person to enter your wallet address or Support Code in the “Data" field when sending ETH to DropDeck.io wallet or smart contract address.
  • The Support bonus for each successful transaction is 5% of the total amount of DDD tokens associated with that transaction.
  • Register for the Presale and Crowdsale today at DropDeck.io/whitelist.

“Everyone wants to fund promising companies. DropDeck wants to remove the barriers that keep average funders away from the greatest opportunities,” said the CEO Alon Vo, “There are a lot of existing platforms for you to do that, but we want to build your favorite one. DropDeck is the one-stop shop that changes the way people fund companies worldwide.”

The mission of DropDeck.io is to guide more and more resources into innovative companies around the world. We are building this platform because we believe our supporters around the world want the same thing. The Decentralized DropDeck (DDD) tokens can remove a lot of barriers that keep average funders away from the greatest opportunities. However, right now there are some barriers between average funders and our tokens.

Everyday, our team receives hundreds of direct messages on Telegram, Drift, Twitter, Facebook, and via email. While more experienced supporters have already get whitelisted and participate in the Presale, a lot of supporters are not so crypto-savvy and they might have trouble along the way in registering for the whitelist, creating a MyEtherWallet, acquiring ETH or other cryptocurrencies, sending ETH or other cryptocurrencies to our wallet or smart contract address, protecting the private key afterwards, etc.

In order to decentralize our support to these supporters, we want to offer a Support bonus to crypto-savvy supporters who can help other supporters smoothly participate in the Presale and Crowdsale.

Anyone who is supported by another person in participating in DropDeck.io Presale and Crowdsale, can enter that person's Support Code or wallet address when sending ETH to our wallet or smart contract address.

When you support someone to participate in the Presale or Crowdsale, you can give that person your wallet address or a Support Code so that person can enter the address or code into the “Data" field when sending ETH to to our wallet or smart contract address.

To create a Support Code, you can go to this site and convert any [desired string] into an [encoded string]. The [desired string] should not be longer than 20 characters. Please that send an email to team@dropdeck.io to register it in our database, following these rules:

  • The subject is: [DropDeck.io] Support Code - [desired string]
  • The content is: [encoded string] - [the MyEtherWallet address that will receive the Support bonus]
  • For each [encoded string], only the first wallet address sent in an email including that [encoded string] will be eligible to all Support bonus associated with that Support Code.

Each successful contribution that involves a registered Support Code will accumulate a Support bonus of 5% of the total amount of DDD tokens associated with that contribution, to be sent to that Support Code's associated MyEtherWallet address after the Crowdsale ends.

[Warning message]

Please be aware that DropDeck.io team members and moderators of official communities WILL NOT personally be asking for contribution. These are phishing attempts by scammers, and should you encounter these messages in your inbox through direct messages, please report them to team@dropdeck.io.

