DropDeck’s Three Innovations: Part 2

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5 min readDec 9, 2017

The second part of our three-part series will describe the application of A.I. technologies on a Blockchain infrastructure, and why that is the foundation of the beauty of the DropDeck innovations.

Part 1: Interactive Functionality

A design that matches the functional needs of the user.

Part 2: Blockchain Marriage to A.I.

Utilizing features of the blockchain that can be integrated with A.I. applications.

Part 3: Blockchain Incentives

Extending the blockchain features to have direct influences to everyday life.

DropDeck’s goals in applying A.I. to the blockchain

One thing that manifests out of our DropDeck platform is a system that utilizes artificial intelligence applications, integrates them with blockchain technology to provide the fiercest, most robust funding platform on the web, and is designed to maximize the most important variable in this field — potential profitability. The way to reach an objective, well-grounded, and realistic judgement regarding whether a potential company will be profitable, is to firmly ground the machining learning and information processing power by the A.I to the information that is securely stored on the blockchain.

The Blockchain

The blockchain provides a secure storagehouse of all the information associated to exchanges by using the DDD Token as well as the information input by users (see our article on users and their roles to see which user role most directly applies to you). So for every company there is a deck, and for every deck there is user-inputted data from the company’s officials, and that is combined with all the other users on our ecosystem; these can be defined as the claims made by humans who participate.

Now, DropDeck provides an ability to map those claims on to reality and that would provide everyone an ability to accurately measure and quantify the outcome of their actions in an objective, ever-growing way. The best way to find out whether or not someone is likely to be telling the truth is to gauge their previous behaviors and see if their previous behaviors add up to their claims. When a user makes claims that turn out to be factually true by the conclusion of their smart contract terms, they become rewarded with the DDD Token as well.

Stability and security — inherent to a well-developed blockchain

The blockchain also provides stability, and security embedded in each transaction. Since the transmission of the data is highly encrypted from a user’s DDD Token Wallet every time they commit to some action (like contributing funds or providing an evaluation), the action can be considered part of the blockchain. The submission, then, gets verified by the members on the blockchain, and they collaborate to authenticate that the submission is credible. That information is sent to the A.I. applications for deep learning processing; therefore, the output by the A.I. back into a user’s DropDeck User Interface will be pure and reliable. Each time a participant who submits to a smart contract, the community helps to authenticate the submission, and all parties may earn rewards for their participation as an incentive to maintain momentum; this causes a consistent growth in the value of the DDD Token for users due to the consistent flow of the cryptocurrency going back to the users.

Artificial intelligence

Once the smart contracts are signed and the company finishes its launch, the probabilities (how likely the company is to succeed) become empirical facts with respect to: which company had a successful launch, how much they raised, did they meet their mark, and record the specifics of the outcome with respect to all the users involved and their claims. This mapping of the claims over passive results will be fed into the machine-learning algorithms run by A.I. applications to notice trends in users rates of success. Since the result-driven data will be the basis by which the user-input data gets mapped, a reward can be given only for correct and true information.

The Human-A.I. connection

The previously mentioned mapping is a kind of bridge between the maximum utility of A.I. software to crunch gigantic amounts of data that can be cross-examined in a plethora of ways. For example, if an Endorser has a successful endorsement, or if a Hunter posts a Deck that becomes successful, both success stories can be attributed to a higher trust score for Endorsers who make predictions with outcomes that agree with their assessment. This is solidified by means of a smart contract that commits all the users to a conclusive action. Therefore this Human-A.I. bridge is equal among participants in so for that each participant is allowed one action for each type of service or contribution that they provide.

By being able to trust the Trust Score due to this bridging of technologies, confidence and positive feedback among peers rise. Since the DDD Token is the value-holder for all the actions that are taken by users in this, and since it is tied to an A.I. system that is designed, mathematically, to improve in its scoring outputs, the DDD Token should grow at an expansive rate. In some cases, one may worry that there are potential holes due to the ascertainment of data being limited, but since we will be using on-chain (i.e. DDD Token value, balance, transaction history, Trust Score, success rate, etc.), and off-chain data (not user inputted; e.g. a user gives access to a wallet for further account verification) to pump into the A.I., any variance that there may be will be reduced to negligible levels very quickly as most gaps are filled by complementary third-party data sources.

Generating data with DDD Token incentives and feedback

Generating data

To summarize the human-A.I. bridge, DropDeck will generate data through the conscious actions, and the consequential byproducts of the actions of its users who participate. Users must be incentivized to do the best quality work possible therefore data that they provide needs to be tied into the DDD Token. The user’s balance and transaction history of the token is taken into account when generating that user’s trust score. This cyclical process generates data and ensures that the efficacy regarding the intentions and trustworthiness of the data are set to improve each time around the pipeline.

DDD Token incentives and the feedback loop

The fuel that keeps the engine running is the DDD Token. It puts one’s money where their actions are and due to the blockchain all involved parties can be sure that the information is secure and valid. This decentralized method lets everybody play a role in authenticating the submission of the data leaving it all on the blockchain, ready to be searched and indexed by premium purchasers looking to utilize the technology. This plays an additional role in growing the DDD Token in value while generating data simultaneously. Also, considering users are only allowed to participate in one unique way per unique Company Deck, this ensures that cannot be any misuse of the system as all bets, in this case, are final.

Ingredients for excellence

At DropDeck, we are driven to innovate with the best technology to bring forward something that is functional, trustworthy, and self-propellant. By merging technology at the frontier of the field of funding platforms, we deliver the most powerful experience by integrating all of your daily routines in the space of blockchain technology and ICOs. As DropDeck achieves excellence, we are excited by the fact that this technology allows us to grow in tandem with our community.

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