Schedule for DDD conversion/refund

Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2017

Apologies for the continuous delay. It was extremely unfortunate and too late when we realized more than half of our funds was frozen in Parity multisig wallets, so it was impossible to refund in time nor in full. Our frozen Parity wallets are listed below. For more information about this global Crypto Natural Disaster, please refer to here and here.

  • 0xd7dfc49e5d13f77830029134fb06f5fa6d5e8ec4
  • 0x3FCB02A27dc60573a0Cb9bFf9528fcd77e78D734
  • 0x0D8c9B040651F621ee26f076C57910E86Aab0bC0

An mount of 2,766.781 ETH, or 52.7% of 5251 ETH raised through all sales were frozen indefinitely — a.k.a. unfortunately lost. In this Disaster, we all lost. team lost more than a year of hard work and hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal savings in the process of developing the product and preparing for the Token Crowdsale. Nevertheless, we are still working the hardest to seek feasible solutions to save as much of your contribution as possible. is responsible for all supporters and have to treat all supporters and contributions equally. Our top priority is saving your contribution as much as we can. We are in no place to discuss our acquirer's business and the only thing we can do is to provide their information channels. Telegram channel exists to serve that top priority. This is an informational channel, not a discussion board. As we’re focusing entirely on our top priority now, irrelevant questions will no longer be answered.

Note that DDD tokens are not an investment and all DDD purchased are supposed to be distributed to all buyers, event winners, and bounty winners by now. If you have still have not received your DDD tokens (remember to load your tokens on MyEtherWallet), please send your details to

In late December, was acquired by PIN Community in order to combine two parties' resources and strengths in technology, product development, and community building, create significant synergy between our roadmaps, and to contribute to our top priority of saving as much of our supporters' contribution as possible. As remaining funds was insufficient for refunding, it was acquired by PIN Community and put together with PIN Community's funds into a small fund dedicated to refunding supporters in need. While preparing this fund, we also present to you a unique opportunity to convert DDD into another token of high utility and value — PIN (more details will be provided in the next blog posts).

Details on converting DDD to PIN (more details will be provided in the next blog posts):

  • 1 DDD is priced by PIN Community at $0.01875.
  • The conversion from DDD to PIN will take place when PIN is valued at a reasonably high price of $1.5.
  • Thus, the conversion rate is 1 DDD = 0.0125 PIN.
  • Supporters receive a further 10% bonus when converting DDD to PIN.
  • You will need to register an account dedicated to DDD conversion/refund on PIN website and deposit your DDD tokens to a wallet dedicated to the conversion.
  • You will receive PIN tokens according to a schedule, during PIN Community's Crowdsale when PIN is valued at $1.5, with more privileges than tokens purchased during their Crowdsale.
  • While tokens purchased during their Crowdsale are locked from transfer and withdrawal, your converted tokens will not be locked, can be freely transferred on PIN Community's internal exchange, and can be withdrawn to freely trade on public exchanges at least one month after their Crowdsale ends (one month after February 12, 2018).

Schedule of converting DDD to PIN (more details will be provided in the next blog posts):

  • From January 12, 2018: DDD holders can start depositing their DDD tokens to a wallet dedicated to the conversion.
  • From January 22, 2018: PIN tokens will be distributed to your PIN wallet according to the aforementioned conversion rate, plus the bonus.

Details on refunding (more details will be provided in the next blog posts):

  • The value of the refund is the same value in USD of the amount of ETH a supporter has transferred to one of wallets or smart contracts dedicated to the Private Presale, Whitelist Presale, and Crowdsale.
  • The value in USD of a supporter's contribution will be based on the amount of ETH contributed and the USD/ETH exchange rate AT THE TIME OF THE CONTRIBUTION TRANSACTION (based on the transaction’s timestamp on the Ethereum blockchain).
  • For example, a supporter contributed 1 ETH at the time when 1 ETH = $400. That supporter will be refunded with $400 worth of ETH at the time scheduled for the refund to be received. That means 100% of your contribution is preserved in USD. Note again that the team itself has lost almost everything and this is already the best the team could have achieved to fulfill the top priority of saving as much of your contribution as possible.
  • You will need to register an account dedicated to DDD conversion/refund on PIN website and deposit your DDD tokens to a wallet dedicated to the refund.
  • You will receive ETH according to a schedule, after PIN Community’s Crowdsale, at the same value in USD as when you make the contribution transaction to purchase DDD.

Schedule of refunding (more details will be provided in the next blog posts):

  • From January 12, 2018: DDD holders can start depositing their DDD tokens to a wallet dedicated to the refund.
  • From February 13, 2018: ETH will be distributed to your ETH wallet according to the aforementioned rules.

