New Release: Update to Beta 2

Dropsource Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2017

We’re very happy to announce that we’ve added a few of our most frequently requested features today. Check out these highlights of our newest Dropsource release.

Copy Paste

Take advantage of a much improved design experience in Dropsource using Copy Paste. No longer will you have to style each UI element individually, just style an element once and use it anywhere in your app. To use Copy Paste, simply right click on any UI element in the Dropsource editor or use the keyboard shortcuts ‘cmd + C’ or ‘cmd + V’. This functionality makes it even faster and more convenient to build your app in Dropsource.

Android Location Data and Map

Location, Location, Location. Using device location data and displaying that data on maps are some of the most commonly requested Dropsource features. Now, Android apps* built in Dropsource can take advantage of device location data and use our new maps element, allowing Android app builders to create even more powerful and interactive apps.

* Also available in iOS

Open Signup

We’re excited to finally remove the limited beta invitation process and instead make it easy for anyone to create a Dropsource account. Now anyone who wants to try Dropsource can simply visit Dropsource’s website and with a few clicks create their account and get started building their truly native mobile app. Know anyone who should try Dropsource? Just tell them to visit our website and create their account today!

Click here to explore the full release notes.

For more details on how Dropsource can help your product team build mobile prototypes and ship truly native mobile apps faster and easier, please click here or email us at



Dropsource Blog

Use Dropsource to visually create powerful, data-driven and truly native iOS and Android apps without writing any code. It’s next level. @dropsource