PROUD to support PRIDE2023

It's me Queeenie


DROPSPOT will always champion inclusivity, diversity & meritocracy in all it’s brilliant, bold and brave forms.

June has been an incredible month at DROPSPOT as we were privileged to champion some of the best creativity within the LGBTQIA+ community for Pride Month. Our #NFTWITHPRIDE campaign was the first LGBTQIA+ focused campaign dedicated to supporting and uplifting the brilliant creators who make this world a beautiful one.

Here’s your chance to snap up an NFT from the #NFTWITHPRIDE Collection and support your LGBTQIA+ friends. Head to DROPSPOT PRIDE

We sat down with our creators for a chinwag, here’s what they had to say…

This.Is.Amit | Bobby the Coyote | Jesse Soleil

As a creative, my artistic philosophy revolves around the harmonious fusion of playfulness, curiosity, and higher states. I feel honored to create a site-specific art installation for Pride Month for the Edition Hotel in Weho.
The artwork “Yours, Proudly” brings playfulness and curiosity together to celebrate queer pride. The characters within the composition are fun and whimsical yet informative and thought-provoking. Their vibrant hues mirror the rainbow flag’s colors, symbolizing unity and diversity within the LGBTQ+ community. Each character possesses a unique narrative, intertwining to weave a compelling tapestry that encapsulates the essence of queer identity, culture,
and history.
From drag queens to activists to everyday people, each represents a unique character that marks the beauty and strength of our community. Within the composition are nods to significant events and figures in the LGBTQ+ community, including the Stonewall riots, the fight for marriage equality, the We’wha, or the two-spirited tribe members. Through these references, I aim to remind viewers of the struggles and triumphs that have shaped our community and led us to where we stand today.
The artwork is intended to be an immersive encounter it aims to inspire boundless joy, instill a sense of pride, and foster a profound community spirit among its beholders. I aspire to encourage viewers to embrace their distinct identities while being reminded of the universal nature of love and acceptance.
I am proud to utilize my creativity to celebrate and uplift my community, and my sincere wish is for my work to inspire others to do the same.
Happy pride, keep loving, stay queer !

Bobby the Coyote
I got into NFTs after first getting involved in cryptocurrency in 2021, which I followed down a rabbit hole and stumbled upon this new platform for art (NFTs) where I was immediately sucked in. I thought it would be a great space to make Trans and LGBTQIA+ art that could reach more people all over the world to help normalize and promote the love that is queerness. In June 2022, one of my collections showcasing illustrations of Trans men was featured on OpenSea’s front page and sold out immediately! It was extremely exciting and heart warming to see a collection of Trans art by a Trans artist become so popular, and my hopes are to continue this throughout the NFT and Queer spaces.

Jesse Soleil
I minted my first artwork in march of 2021 and I was so excited to see that artists were actually getting paid in their lifetimes, had control over their work and royalties, and in particular for me, that digital artists were finally being valued. Though there are many issues with web3, especially for marginalized communities like the queer community, I do believe that with a mixture of 1 on 1 community work and the benefits of blockchain tech, we can create a better present for all artists.

Grey E Leifer | SkullTakes | TheGloGirl

Grey E Leifer
I moved into digital art and NFTs when I saw the possibility to create a more inclusive and accessible artistic landscape. The LGBTQIA+ community will have to claim their stake there, just as we have in every other area of life, but the potential for global connectivity in the future is now limitless.

I am excited to be a part of the DROPSPOT PRIDE campaign. It’s a wonderful opportunity to showcase some pieces that I have been working on that touch on queer identities, as well as forgotten and reimagined histories.

I’ve been around the NFT space for a while hosting my Twitter Space. I have also made art for my personal enjoyment but never thought to create my own NFTs as a creator. Then one day I got a dm from Queenie asking if I wanted to participate in the #NFTWITHPRIDE campaign. I took it as a sign to create. I hope to see more LGBTQIA+ artists in the nft world. My show sold out and I guess you
could say the rest is history. I look forward to creating my next collection

Stacie A Buhler | Sarisa Kojima | Tammy M

Stacie A Buhler
I think for a lot of artists, it’s hard to get your work in front of the right eyes. I love that DROPSPOT is highlighting LGBTQIA+ artists, and I hope some of these amazing artists can be seen and their work appreciated.

Tammy M
I decided to be a part of the Pride campaign because the fight is not over. The freedom to live your authentic self should never be in question in any country,any circumstance, at any time. The United States is one of the most diverse nations in the world and yet we have a state that just passed a law that the word gay can not be used in schools. I have the luxury to live my life out in the open as a married gay woman but until every person has this right, we need to live out loud for them. The word luxury says it all. The fact that I can marry the woman I love, buy a house and have a job where I can talk about my family should never be considered a luxury, but a human right.

Sarisa Kojima
As a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I am thrilled to be a part of the DROPSPOT PRIDE campaign. It provides a platform to celebrate diversity, inclusion, and self-expression. I hope to connect with like-minded individuals, share my art, and contribute to a positive and supportive community that empowers artists from all backgrounds.

It has been an absolute honour to present the international multidisciplinary PRIDE creators. We not only got to enjoy their incredible works but got to know the community on a deeper level, learning and growing. We can’t wait to continue to build PRIDE month every year and do our bit to close the inequality gap not only on the blockchain but in all areas of life.

So this is for our amazing PRIDE creators, and all LGBTQIA+ friends, we adore you!

Head to DROPSPOT to support LGBTQIA+ creativity and pick up your NFT from our #NFTWITHPRIDE group show.

We are onboarding all Creators now — become a DROPSPOT creator today!



It's me Queeenie

💫♥️ Awakened divine feminine empowering creators, brands and causes to create NFTs for IMPACT whilst connecting people back into their hearts 🇬🇧➡️🇦🇺