
Support your holders, stimulate trade, increase liquidity, and deliver community value with DROPSPOT SuperCubes.

James Stocks
2 min readJun 8, 2023


What are SuperCubes?

SuperCubes are NFT’s locked up in a Smart Contract that enable commission-free trading on the DROPSPOT Marketplace.

Yes, that’s right! FREE TRADING.

All NFT’s minted under a SuperCube policy will trade for free on the Marketplace, giving Creators and Collectors a whole new level of freedom and opportunity.

If you’re ready to move, visit DROPSPOT.IO to verify your collection and get your SuperCube today. Otherwise read on for the detail & benefits.

How do SuperCubes work?

A SuperCube is securely locked within a Smart Contract — it can be activated for a single policy spanning a specific duration. The activation period minimum is 30 days, maximum 90 days.


Increased Trade Volume Stimulate community activity by removing barriers. Commission-free trading encourages more transactions, boosting trade volume and fostering vibrant engagement.

Increased Royalties The uplift in trade volume can easily cover the cost of the SuperCube, ensuring that creators and contributors receive higher royalties. SuperCubes increase your community’s return.

Value Retention By removing commissions, the value that would have been lost to platform fees, stays within your community. This retained value supports the delivery of your project objectives and strengthens your ecosystem.

Accessibility SuperCube impacts beyond just commissions — by dampening the floor price, it enhances accessibility for holders, allowing more individuals to participate and collectively benefit from your project’s success.

AAA Pass for Your Holders With a SuperCube, your holders gain an exclusive pass to all areas of DROPSPOT. They can access analytics, live trades, and more, empowering them with invaluable insights and exclusive opportunities.

If you don’t want to miss out on these incredible benefits, visit DROPSPOT.IO to verify your collection and get your SuperCube today.

