The story of 15 million car-mittment phobes in the UK

Shope Delano
Drover: Car Subscriptions
3 min readJul 26, 2018

Two fifths of motorists (40%) — the equivalent of 15 million drivers — are stuck with their current cars, or as we like to say, are suffering from ‘car-mittment issues’. Are you one of them?

The story of a car-mittment phobe.

Let’s call our car-mittment phobe: Matt. Matt’s story is one that begins with anticipation and excitement, as he imagines the freedom, independence and social kudos that awaits him once he has purchased his own car. However as Matt progresses through the car purchase process, this sentiment slowly turns sour. He grows so tired of dealing with car dealers, deciphering small print, and the threat of long term lock-in commitment, that he ends up purchasing out of exhaustion. As the years pass by his circumstances change, and his car no longer suits his requirements. As such, he simply cares less about his car and is left feeling slightly regretful - unsure on what to do with the neglected 4-wheel drive he was once in love with.

The story of a car-mittment phobe

The data

Here at Drover, we commissioned a study surveying 1,500 drivers to understand how UK motorists feel about their cars, and whether they are completely satisfied with their current car solutions. The results were surprising with up to 40% of motorists in the UK, sharing a story similar to Matt’s.

Of the 15 million drivers that were bored of their cars…

  • 22% became bored of their purchase within 30 days,
  • 48% said their ‘heads had been turned by another vehicle’, and
  • 1 in 6 drivers say the boredom comes from having the car for too long.

As a result nearly half of these motorists have considered switching their car for a younger model.

  • With 44% saying they have let their standards slip and don’t clean their car as often as they should, and
  • 30% saying it impacts their driving, and that they have picked up more bumps and scrapes because of it.

And a bump and a scrape later, 1 in 3 drivers regret buying their car in the first place. With:

  • 53% not enjoying the car as much as they thought they would,
  • 32% purchasing out of exhaustion, and
  • 26% just wanting the process to be over.

And when it comes to taking action to change their car?

  • Almost half of motorists switched their car to another make or model, costing them an average of £2,895.

The Better Way To Own A Car?

It’s not surprising then that almost a third of all drivers (31%) would welcome a more flexible way to own a car. And, that’s what we seek to achieve here at Drover.

Matt’s feeling of freedom and independence need not be short-lived, and as such Drover seeks to transform car ownership so that it is fair and flexible. With total-cost-of-ownership pricing, and no large upfront payments*, motorists pay one monthly subscription price and get everything they need to start driving (insurance, servicing, maintenance and breakdown cover). With no lock-in commitment, drivers can swap or cancel their subscriptions on a monthly basis.

*A fully refundable deposit of £300 is required.

Discover more at JOINDROVER.COM



Shope Delano
Drover: Car Subscriptions

Brand marketer, photographer, writer. Currently working at early-stage VC @forwardprt. Previously @joinourco, @joindrover, @asos, @depop.