About Dr. Shakira

Dr. Shakira
Dr Shakira
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2021


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…Really, I’m just a goofball who raps too loud to Jay-Z, Cardi B, and Eminem while dancing, although I wish I could dance like Shakira Shakira:)


Dr. Shakira also known as “The Ancient One”; is an Ancient Philosopher, Alien Philosopher, and Freelance writer.

As an Olde Soul, she has an “Eye” for hidden messages found in stone, numerology, ancient symbolism, ancient civilizations, the Wheel of the Year, Astrology, Astronomy, ancient texts and scriptures, and more; in search for Ancient Knowledge.

Shakira is the Founder and CEO of Heels and Pyramids which houses all things, Ancient Evidence aka The Alien Theory.

There is a keen eye on Ancient Egypt with Ancient Egypt Unveiled.

Ancient Scriptures decipher hidden messages, knowledge, and symbolism in ancient texts and biblical (KJV) interpretations.

Unexplained Mysteries explores the mysteries of Ufology, UAPs/UFOs, the paranormal…



Dr. Shakira
Dr Shakira

🌻 Sirius B 👽 Ancient Philosopher🔺The Ancient One ♌️ Otherworldly 👁️ Master 𓂀 www.TheDrShakira.com