DMT (N-Dimethyltryptamine)

Tristin Downie
Drug abuse
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2019

First, what is DMT?

It is a hallucinogenic tryptamine drug that occurs naturally in plants and animals, to give you an intense drug experience. Just like the last post about Psychedelic Mushrooms, DMT produces a brief but intense visual and auditory hallucinogenic experience, rather than a long drawn out experience like “magic mushrooms.”

How is it used?

While it is illegal to possess or use in the United States, it is sometimes used in religious ceremonies to connect or see the spiritual awakening. It can either be smoked most commonly in a pipe or in rare cases infected or snorted. There is some evidence that DMT is also produced naturally in your brain. When smoked, the average time of the effect of DMT is believed to be somewhere between 3 to 5 minutes and takes 30 to 45 minutes to for the full effect to go away.


Richard Helmuth is credited to be the first to synthesize DMT in as early as 1931. Under the influence, he found that DMT has drug induces hallucinations, illusions, distortions of spatial perception and crazy thoughts. The first wave of clinical research was in the 1950s and 1960s, with the discovery that DMT can be found in the blood and urine in a human body. In 1970 DMT was deemed illegal in the United States and Europe. After further research, many studies including detailed dose-response experiments using the Hallucinogen Rating Scale to measure subjective experiences while some people used higher dosage than others to see the effects of both. In concluding research DMT can be very intense and dangerous when regarding the amount of damage and effects that come within.

What are some immediate effects and long term effects?

When smoked through a pipe, the experience com every quick, with peak subjective experience occurring around 2 minutes after ingestion, and completely resolving within 15 to 20 minutes. DMT primarily affects physical and emotional states with few to no perceptual hallucinations. Higher doses typically produce rapidly moving images or shapes in a weird pattern. Long terms effects can affect brain growth and stimulation. Pshycadellics can effect anything revolving your brain.

Quote from Rick Strassman on his stance on DMT.

“I did my best in the DMT book to differentiate between what is known, and what I was conjecturing about (based upon what is known), regarding certain aspects of DMT dynamics. However, it’s amazing how ineffective my efforts seem to have been. So many people write to me or write elsewhere, about DMT, and the pineal, assuming that the things I conjecture about are true. When I was writing the book, I thought I was clear enough, and repeating myself would have gotten tedious.

“We don’t know whether DMT is made in the pineal. I muster a lot of circumstantial evidence supporting a reason to look long and hard at the pineal, but we do not yet know. There are data suggesting urinary DMT rises in psychotic patients when their psychosis is worse. However, we don’t know whether DMT rises during dreams, meditation, near-death, death, birth or any other endogenous altered state.”

His research has concluded the effects om DMT to other LSD, is unknown and the harder effects like death or birth. I find this very interesting on what the drug can do.

Therapeutic use

While the therapeutic use of DMT hasn't been explored like other psychedelic drugs have a total review of six studies between 1990 and 2015 found that LSD holds promising potential for treating depression, anxiety, and tobacco addiction, and addiction to alcohol and or alcoholics it also decreases in self-judgment and emotional health and to have self-acceptance, which leads to addictive disorders.

Also, greater self-awareness and spiritual connection to the world can be gained from properly using DMT. DMT can be used to achieve a new perspective in one’s spiritual life when it was used for religion. Numerous reports say that DMT gives them a connection to unconscious parts of their mind while allowing them to see any issues and mental blocks they’ve been experiencing from a new vantage point.

