Get more from your Slack account with Drums top rated Slack App!

Laurence Chandler
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2016

The team here at Drum don’t always like to beat their own drum, but sometimes we like to pick up our drumsticks and make a noise about what we are doing. 2016 has been a whirlwind of a year so far for our web meeting solution. As you may be aware, we released our Slack integration a couple of months ago. We noticed significant uptake for creating instant meetings and wanted to extend this to our Slack users. As such, we released the Slack integration a few months ago as a simple /drum command. We expanded upon this and provided you, our users, with the capability of benefitting from buttons. These buttons made it simpler for you to access your guest and host URL. In addition, this provided you with instant access to the meeting replay.

Fast forward a couple of months to the 30th August. We wake up one sunny morning in Brighton to the announcement of Drum being selected as a top app within the Slack App Store! And so, be reassured for your web meetings. You are in safe hands! The recognition as a top app from the guys over at Slack is just the starting point for Drum. The imminent release of the Drum web meeting dashboard will provide you with the next step in managing your meetings.



Laurence Chandler
Editor for

Telling the story of a start up that went from 0 to lightning speed. Life of a start up and sharing insights on making the most from your web meetings.